For now, I'm just looking for ways to incorporate more healthy fats into my diet. So, I decided to first tackle breakfast. Many of you know that I've been a smoothie girl for several years now. The recipes have changed during that time, but I find it is the easiest and best way to get a lot of servings of fruits and vegetables in m'belly. During my first trimester, the recipe had gotten pretty simple - water, berries, chia seeds, greens and stevia. Since I was eating a couple of snacks in the morning, I had no need for protein powder as previous concoctions had included. I decided to doctor my recipe up to add some additional calories.
Here's the new and improved, 'What's Good for Momma is Good for the Babies' smoothie recipe.
1 cup kefir (if you aren't familiar with kefir, it's kind of a fizzy yogurt milk...that sounds horrible, doesn't it? It's not, I promise. It has tons of probiotics and some of the fats I was looking for, although you can get low-fat versions as well)
1 cup water
2 tablespoons of chia seeds (chia seeds are a super food with protein, fiber and good fats)
1 cup organic kale
1 cup organic spinach
2 cups organic frozen berries
1 banana
1-2 tablespoons coconut oil (this is a fantastic 'good' fat and great for's also very satiating...and it's always good to incorporate a small amount of fat with your greens; it helps your body absorb the nutrients...okay, I'll shut up about coconut oil now. But seriously, it's really, really good. Nick cooks egg whites in it every morning for breakfast.)
A bit of stevia, for sweetness
I put all of this in a blender and blend for 45 seconds to a minute. It makes probably a good 32 ounce smoothie and typically takes me at least an hour to drink. Were I to guess, I would say this is somewhere between 600-700 calories, although if you take the coconut oil and kefir out (or use the lower fat version of kefir), that would drop substantially.
A couple of notes - I always use organic kale, spinach and frozen berries because they are on the Environmental Working Group's Dirty Dozen list. (there's a handy little printable guide on this website to stick in your wallet) Bananas are not, so I don't buy them organic.
I love this breakfast because it takes only five minutes to put together and I can take it on the road with me to work or run errands or whatever. I know it might not SOUND appetizing, but I promise that between the fruit and the stevia, the taste of the greens is pretty well covered up. Although the kale does have a more pronounced taste, so if you don't like it, stick with spinach.
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