A few posts ago I said that I would talk more about what the doctors had been telling us about successful multiples pregnancies, so this seems like a good time to do that. Basically, they told us to read this book, the 'bible' for multiples pregnancies. It's written by Dr. Barbara Luke who studied thousands of multiples pregnancies to determine what made the difference for successful pregnancies, which by the way - success is loosely defined as making it to 36-37ish weeks (and hence shortening any NICU stays) for twins and the birth weight of the babies.
The book has been eye-opening, helpful and terrifying. There's really two key components - gaining the appropriate amount of weight for the number of babies you are carrying (and for your body) and doing so fairly early on in the pregnancy, along with rest - and lots of it.
On the diet side of things, I still have only gained a few pounds (if that) and I'm nearly 15 weeks. I feel like I'm eating ALL THE TIME, but what I learned is that I'm getting nowhere near the amount of protein I need. Protein, specifically, has a correlation with higher birth weights. The book recommends I eat 150-170 grams of protein per day for twins. Let me assure you, I was nowhere near that. For reference, a four-ounce filet has about of 21 grams of protein, so I guess I could start eating a lot more filet, but that seems impractical. My game plan is to add protein powder back into my morning shakes, keep a supply of hard-boiled eggs in the fridge and start meal and snack planning with an eye towards protein. And I guess eating a lot more steak. :) Honestly, I don't know how realistic it will be for me to get that 150+ grams of protein each day. But I can definitely add a lot more, so that's my goal.
It's the weight-gain piece that makes me nervous, not because I'm nervous about gaining weight, but because the book recommends gaining a significant amount by 20 weeks. There's all these formulas that take into account your height/weight/body type/number of babies you're carrying, but the bottom line is the book would expect me to have gained at least 20 pounds by 20 weeks. Doing so, at least in the studies the author did, yielded the highest birth weights for multiples. Yikes. I am going to try not to stress about this (as that can't be good for me either), but really start making a concerted effort to add more calories.
That brings me to rest...the area with which I'm going to struggle the most. Here's why - the book recommends frequent rest, but before you are actually tired. The author's argument is that if you let your body get over-tired, it's like going too long in a car without an oil change...the rest needs to be preventative, not reactive. I mean, I LOVE naps...but it is a bit of a culture shock to go from 'gee, I feel tired, think I'll take a nap' to 'gee, I feel perfectly fine, think I'll take a nap'. I've been trying to start resting more, i.e. when I get home from work - laying down for 30-60 minutes, taking naps in the afternoon on the weekends, etc. I think this is going to become more of an issue as the pregnancy progresses so I figure it's good to get in the habit now. I have to admit, though, the list of things I want to accomplish before the babies get here is so long, that it makes me a little anxious when I stop to rest. However, reading about how very, very important it is for multiples pregnancies makes it easier.
I have to be honest - going into pregnancy, I always thought 'well, pregnant people aren't actually sick...they're not invalids...and women have been giving babies for you know, forever...so why would you need to adjust your lifestyle (other than the obvious no drinking)...pop a prenatal and go on with life' I feel like it's a fine line between acting like I am the The Only Pregnant Person That Ever Lived and down-playing my body's needs during pregnancy. Plus, twins are SO common now...many regular OBs deliver them successfully (although we are in a high risk clinic)...I never really understood that while twins are common and the risks are substantially lower with twins that higher-order multiples, there are still a number of unique circumstances that deserve attention. And, as many times as I have slapped Dr. Luke's book shut in fear, I do feel like I'm much more informed now and knowledge is power. My job in this pregnancy is to do everything I can to ensure the babies are healthy (with Nick's support, of course - and by the way, he is very supportive of whatever we need to do); I'm like a great big incubator. It's been a big shift in mindset for me, but I'm getting used to it slowly. I guess I just want to feel like I've done everything I can and that's really all I can do.
How Far Along: 14 1/2 weeks
Size of Babies: navel oranges (Let me just state, for the record, that these fruit comparisons have made me giggle the entire pregnancy, however this week when I read they were orange-sized, I had kind of an 'oh, shit' moment. Like, oh, there are actually two small humans growing in my belly.)
What I'm Doing: Waiting for Nick to get up so we can begin the great basement and garage clean-out of 2012...our lives are very glamorous.
Cravings: For about two weeks, I had a craving for brownies, but didn't indulge it. Then, one day - I decided to go for it and went to the grocery store to grab some. I happen to see watermelon on my way to get the brownies and picked it up, as well. And some pickles. By the time I got home, the brownies were no longer interesting and I ate a ridiculous amount of watermelon instead. So, when I do having cravings, they are quite fickle.
Sleep: Still sleeping fine, other than dreaming a TON and remembering most of the dreams, which is unusual for me. I am getting more creative with my pillow set-up since I can't sleep on my stomach anymore.
Sex of Babies: Unknown, but plans are underway for a very fun reveal. And, I bought this very cute keepsake card from Etsy; we'll give it to the sonographer and have her fill it out and seal it until we decide how/when to open.
Symptoms: Headaches are really the only things that plague me, although they do so with great frequency.
Fetal Movement: Okay, this is where all of you moms out there laugh and point and call me ridiculous, but I SWEAR I am feeling something. Assuming that fetal movement feels like angry butterflies. I've actually been feeling this for a couple of weeks, but I was so sure that it was too early that I dismissed it but it is getting increasingly difficult to do so. It emanates from exactly where I know each baby is and is very quick. I suppose it could just be indigestion, too. But baby movement is a lot more fun to think about, so let's go with that.
What I'm Looking Forward To Next Week: Hopefully making a decision about what car to get Nick...a fun, Mad Men themed birthday party for my friend Courtney...a birthday BBQ for my dad and uncle...and protein, lots and lots of glorious protein.
Best Moment of The Week: I am going to preemptively say that it's going to be today's big basement clean-out (which by the way, Nick is doing all the heavy lifting...I am in more of what you might call a 'management' role). It is going to feel so good to get rid of stuff. So, that we can make room for more baby stuff. And bazillions and bazillions of diapers.
Special Thanks To: Watermelon farmers everywhere.
Look into the Bradley method diet, it's ALL about protein and what I blame on gaining 40lbs while pregnant :). We had these handy sheets to fill out that helped keep track of protein amounts.
ReplyDeleteWe are also car shopping, oh the joys. Maybe we will run into you on the lots! Today is Toyota :)
You mean I can't just eat steak all day? :) Thanks for the tip - I'm going to look into it. I started using My Plate to track what I'm eating...it's a little weird to be using it to track weight gain, instead of loss.
ReplyDeleteUgh - good luck!
I bet you are feeling the babies! Don't let naysayers tell you it's too early. :)
ReplyDeleteI've noticed that women with PCOS seem to gain weight differently during pregnancy. I've never actually looked into it, it's just an observation I've made with friends, myself and the pregnancy boards. You seem to start off slow, and then around week 16-17, you start gaining then. I think it's because all the pregnancy hormones offset the PCOS/weight gain.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I think feeling butterflies at 14 weeks can totally happen! So you're not crazy. :)
You are doing so great. Don't stress a ton about weight gain. Your body will gain what it needs. My twin pregnancy I gained 38lbs and had a 5lb11oz and 6lb9oz. I then had a singleton and gained 36 lbs and he was 9lbs6oz. I am now 27 weeks with quads and only have gained 38 lbs but have babies that are showing weights in the 41-92% for singletons. Cottage cheese is another good source of protein if you get tired of eggs!
ReplyDeleteI also want to recommend a body pillow made by boppy. It does cost $60ish but so worth it. I found mine at a used baby store but would have spent the money on it knowing what I know now. I have tried other body pillows and none of them compare. I used a wedge for my belly with the twins which did help once the belly got heavy but haven't used it with this pregnancy.
Keep up the great work!