- I took two naps.
- I ate 120 grams of protein (go, me!)
- I made chicken pad thai and it was delicious.
- I almost ate a root beer float, but as those of you who follow me on Facebook saw, the bottom dropped out and it spilled all over the kitchen. I immediately burst into tears and Nick came running up the stairs to the kitchen to see what was wrong. All I could do was point to the floor, then to my eyes, and then mumble 'hormones'.
- Nick offered to take me out to get another root beer float, but I declined because I'm stubborn and would rather complain about my lack of root beer float.
- The cats enjoyed a root beer float via the floor.
- Nick has decided it is funny to try and watch the cats 'share' a can of cat food, so that happened. Good thing I had to mop the floor after the root beer float spill.
- I picked up paint chips for the nursery (have a strategy that involves picking a color for the walls that will work for any combination of genders).
- Realized that some pregnant women do everything 'right' and still end up with complicated pregnancies/deliveries. Also realized that some women don't gain the 'right' amount of weight and still have perfectly healthy pregnancies.
- Made note to self to focus less on 'right' and more on what feels natural.
- Told at Target (while reaching into the dairy case) that I have a beautiful complexion. Which is notable for several reasons - my lack of shower, my lack of makeup, and the fact that hormones have wreaked havoc on my face. Also...florescent lighting. :::shudders::: But, thank you, random stranger lady!
- Lost a bet to Nick that our VCR from 2002 would still work. It does. Made him throw away a VHS copy of Predator away anyway.
- Got sent flowers from one of the car dealerships. I feel very uncomfortable with this new level of intimacy with the car dealer. Do I wait two days to call? Request them as Facebook friends? What is the appropriate protocol?
- Got teary looking at pictures of Nick and I from when we first started dating.
- Took an obscene amount of pictures of the cats via my phone.
All in all, just a normal Sunday.
P.S. The Evidence.
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