How Far Along: 15 1/2 weeks
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Size of Babies: Avocados! (all this does is make me crave guacamole)
What I'm Doing: Gah, this so embarrassing, but I am catching up on The Bachelorette. I was trying really, really hard not to watch it this season but then somehow I watched a show last week and now I am watching episodes off the DVR. I don't want to like Emily but she is annoyingly adorable.
Cravings: Root Beer floats (Nick redeemed my earlier attempts last night), powdered sugar donuts (what the...?), watermelon and I'm back to also thinking about burgers non-stop. Which is convenient given my new protein kick. I am averaging about 110-120 grams of protein a day which is a huge improvement...:::pats self on back:::. I decided to quit worrying about the weight gain and just focus on eating healthily and working on the protein. I did sort of turn myself off hard-boiled eggs by eating a dozen in three days, though. Ew.
Sleep: Plenty! I have started taking a nap when I get home at night - just 30 minutes or so. Admittedly, a couple of times that 'nap' has turned into...Sarah goes to bed at 6pm. But, you guys! I'm a human incubator! I need my beauty sleep. At least that is what I tell myself.
Sex of Babies: Still unknown but plans continue for a gender reveal. Stay tuned....
Symptoms: Okay, gang, I really don't want to complain, BUT...the headaches are really bad. I have them nearly every day. I've only had one migraine (which was completely horrible) so they are generally just annoying and miserable, not debilitating. But still - EVERY. DAY. I try not to complain too much because I still feel like the fact that we are pregnant is a true miracle AND I still know so many friends trying so hard to start their families. I don't want to seem ungrateful, but I am ready for the headaches to end. I'm going to ask the doctor about it at my next appointment (which is not until next week). Between that and a constant stuffy nose, I feel like I've had a cold for a month. Other symptoms? Crying. At everything. It's just...ridiculous. I'm not talking about crying at things that are supposed to make you cry like that stupid Sarah McLaughlan abused and neglected animals commercial (because if you don't cry at that, you have no soul)...I'm talking things like...spilled root beer cats just being cats...a story that Nick told me a year ago that I randomly remembered. I'm not a crier normally, so this is a little foreign to me. If my eyes start leaking in front of you, please just politely avert your eyes thankyouverymuch.
Fetal Movement: Lots of little butterfly-y flutters, especially at night. Still not totally sure if it's fetal movement, but let's just say it is, okay?
What I'm Looking Forward To Next Week: Doctor's visit! It will have been two weeks between appointments which is the longest I've gone. Playing around with the paint chips in the nursery. Starting the registry process.
Best Moment of the Week: Totally not pregnancy related, but my brother's band Man Bear had a song play on a local radio station last night! He is shaking his head at me right now, but I was super impressed. You can check out their music (and you should - they're really, really good...and I'm not just saying that because I'm his sister) here.
Special Thanks To: Nick's mom, my mother in law Rose...she is here visiting us now helping us car shop/negotiate. Her car negotiating skills are legendary and we so appreciate her making the trip in from St. Louis. Plus, bonus - it means I don't have to tag along anymore! And we get to spend time with her. Win-win-win.
We are done car shopping thank goodness. What cars are you guys looking at?
ReplyDeleteI tried tagging you on Pinterest-a cake batter protein shake with 35g of protein!
You look fabulous! Hopefully the doctor will have something for the headaches.
ReplyDeleteWhat did you get??? We are looking at a small SUV...a Mazda something or other.
ReplyDeleteAH! That is definitely going to happen and probably sooner rather than later. :)
Aw, thanks sweetie!
ReplyDeleteWe got a Camry. As I was putting Isla in my car today I thought of you actually. She is still rear facing and behind the passenger seat. I noticed the passenger seat is slid further back than my driver seat. So if I had another carseat behind me I could still slide back a few inches. I'm 5'7" so not really a shorty :) we have a Chevy equinox as do my parents. They are 5'11" and have plenty of leg room with her carseat rear facing behind them.