I posted pics from my friend Courtney's Mad Men themed 30th birthday party on Facebook, but have not talked about the most amazing part of the entire party. Well, aside from how adorable everyone looked dressed in 1960s attire. My girlfriends and I co-hosted the party and the original plan was to have it at our friend Ashley's house. Poor Ashley (P.S. Ashley is a very gifted decorator and you should go check out her blog here...and also look at pictures of her adorable daughter) got very ill and landed herself in the hospital with pneumonia...she had us all incredibly worried. But there was also the practical matter of where to host the party (once we knew that Ashley was going to be okay); our friend Elizabeth had a 'eureka' moment and quickly got us booked at the Kansas City Garment District Museum, which literally, could not have been a more appropriate place. There were vintage clothes displayed everywhere and we had a little too much fun posing with the mannequins. Although we missed Ashley a lot, it was a great time for a great gal.
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It was a big weekend for birthdays as we also had a birthday BBQ for my Dad and Uncle Mike. Nick prepared an insane amount of ribs (baby back and short) and my mom made some fabulous sides and a dessert that Nick is still talking about (some time of lemon-berry-trifle confection). I prepared nothing and just pigged out. Well, technically I am Nick's sous chef when he BBQs so I guess I did help. It was another great party, but after all that socializing, I found myself asleep by 8:00.
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Doctor's Appointment Update: We had a 16 week ultrasound and nurse's visit this week. My stats are still good and they don't seem concerned about my weight gain or lack thereof. Blood pressure is good (122/70 - at my last visit it was higher but I blame that on having been there for three hours and being anxious to get out) and they got my blood work drawn on the first try (a novelty for me and my sad veins). We talked about my headaches and unfortunately, there's nothing I can do. I pretty much figured that was the case, but wanted to ask the question anyway. Both babies are measuring right on schedule and Baby A continues to be a brown-noser, giving us adorable pics, while Baby B continues to be a trouble-maker and refuses to let us capture any pics. Oh, well - we love them anyway.
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How Far Along: 16 weeks and a day or two
Size of Babies: Turnips. Could there be a less exciting vegetable or fruit to compare your unborn children to? I think not. Alternately, the babies are about this size of your hand. Much better.
What I'm Doing: Listening to Ernie the cat have one of his 'fits'...this involves endless running around the house, climbing of walls and doors, and making noises that I swear to God sound like 'oh-oh'. Simultaneously wondering what it will be like to introduce the twins to the cats and vice versa.
Cravings: Not much this week, but that is probably because I've had so many events this last week where a variety of delicious food was served that pretty much any craving would be covered.
Sleep: I'm sure you all laughed at me when I lamented how difficult it was to nap a few weeks ago (rude!) but this is no longer a problem. At all. As in, I had a day where I took two naps before noon. Although it seems physically impossible for me to sleep past 6am anymore.
Sex of Babies: The ultrasound tech sort of threw me for a loop today at our appointment and asked me if we were finding out the genders. I panicked and said yes, but that I didn't think we could find out this early. She said usually the genders can be identified at 16 weeks; it's just that most people don't have appointments that early. So, our sealed gender reveal announcement is currently in the house!!! I might have to put into a safe deposit box to keep from opening until we have our gender reveal with friends and family.
Symptoms: The headaches continue to be crazy obnoxious. The crying is out of control. And yet I'm happier than I've ever been. Unless I'm crying.
Fetal Movement: Alright, I'm just going to man up and say that YES I AM FEELING THE BABEEeeeEEEEZ. I feel so much better now. I knew that's what it was because I could tell it was emanating from where I knew each baby is located. In fact, the nurse today said "So, are you having a lot of fetal movement?" and I nearly screamed YES. So, yes, babies are moving and such.
What I'm Looking Forward To Next Week: Several fun outings planned with friends but also a lot of down time...the last week has been really crazy and it's taking its toll.
Best Moment of the Week: A few nights ago, Nick and I were lazing about watching TV before bed. He was rubbing my belly and we were talking to the babies and discussing baby names. It was such a sweet moment and the kind of thing you only dream about when struggling to get pregnant. It was almost surreal.
Special Thanks To: My family, because they are awesome. The End. I mean, it's not like I didn't already know this, but every time we're together, I'm reminded of how lucky I am to have been born into such an incredible family and I can't wait for them to meet our little ones.
Yay for a good appointment! So excited for the gender reveal party!
ReplyDeleteGlad you had a good appt! I had a major meltdown this week because i couldn't find anything for lunch. I was hell bent on having a high protein lunch and nothing fit the bill. So I shoved ridiculous amounts of almonds down my throat while crying my eyes out on the couch because I was home by myself and no one could go and get me anything that was high in protein. And I was so sad Matt wouldn't leave work to bring me lunch. hahahaha. After almost an hour I got my ass in gear and went and got myself some lunch. It was ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteThe headaches are a killer! The exhaustion is also killing me, It has been my #1 symptom since I found out. I keep waiting for this mythical second tri energy burst I have heard so much about, but I think it's BS!
So, I had the opposite experience with exhaustion - nothing in the first trimester and then slowly each week of the second trimester, I am getting more and more tired. I made myself a to-do list the other day of everything I want to get accomplished before the baby comes and that act alone was exhausting. :) Hang in there...
ReplyDeleteActual LOL at your lunch meltdown. :)