We had kind of a crazy weekend and I learned that maybe I need to cool it on all the activities as I ended up with a terrible headache on Sunday and was completely exhausted. But, clipping this social butterfly's wings would be like...clipping a butterfly's wings. Or something.
As I said last week, Nick and I headed to the Royals v. Cards game on Friday night whereby the Royals lost in spectacular fashion, BUT I got to see Paul Rudd and Jason Sudekis (who were in town for their annual charity gig for Children's Mercy Hospitals) so I still count it as a success.
On Saturday, I attended a cooking class through the Culinary Institute that took place at the City Market; the class itself was great, but by far the most interesting thing that happened had nothing to do with cooking and everything to do with Sweden. Let me explain. The class was small - maybe 10-12 people? There was a young girl there - perhaps late teens, early 20s. She was attending with what seemed to be her mother and grandmother. The instructor was telling us about how she had managed a lot of her symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis through healthy cooking. As she was talking, the girl - who was sitting diagonally to my left, just sort of started slithering to the ground and passed out. Her mother caught her and I quickly hopped out of the way. Obviously, we were all concerned and someone picked up their phone to call 9-1-1, but the mother and grandmother said 'oh, no - she does this sometimes', 'don't worry - she's fine, she's Swedish,' and 'really, she's fine'. Okayyyyyyyy...I was confused as to why being Swedish was relevent and everyone in the room still seemed worried, but we pressed on.
The instructor then begin talking about how she had used eating nutritiously to help her with infertility issues. Once again, the color drained from the young girl's face and she slithered to the floor and started shaking. Now, we were all getting upset. A woman who appeared to be a nurse or someone at least vaguely familiar with the medical profession started checking her pulse and pulled out her phone to call for an ambulance. Again, the mother and grandmother said 'she just does this sometimes' and 'she's Swedish.'
Eventually, they took her to another room to rest and we pressed on with our lesson. I tried to concentrate on the class, but this whole Swedish thing was driving me crazy. Was she an exchange student? Are Swedish people prone to fainting? I DON'T UNDERSTAND! Fifteen minutes or so later, the girl returned to the class as if nothing had happened and all of the sudden I realized...they weren't saying she was SWEDISH...they were saying she was SQUEAMISH. That makes so much more sense! I guess the medical talk bothered her. Anyways, I've now re-named seizures, swe-zures which is wildly inappropriate, yes - but also funny. At least to me.
How Far Along: 12 weeks, 5 days. At least according to my original doctor. The new doctor says 12 weeks, 1 day. But I am going with the original estimate. :)
Size of Baby: a peach...a small one, I suppose.
What I’m Doing: Googling 'how to remedy a headache when you're pregnant'. There are not surprisingly - few options.
Cravings: Salad, fruit, things that don't require me to turn on the oven. Though that is more likely a factor of the weather than anything else.
Sleep: Still pretty normal, other than crazy/vivid dreams.
Sex of Baby: Unknown...but we are on the countdown to reveal!
Symptoms: I don't know if it's pregnancy related or not - but I'm having near daily headaches. Possibly weather related, too. I have an appointment with the acupuncturist set up, so maybe that will help.
Fetal Movement: none, but again HOW WOULD I KNOW?
What I’m looking forward to next week: A long holiday weekend! Maternity dress shopping with my mom! Starting to clean out the room that will become the baby's nursery! (less enthusiasm there)
Best moment of the week: Hands down, getting to tell my 104 year old Grandma Ruth about the babies. She may be in a nursing home, but the woman is still pretty damn sharp. She was very cute about it, although she must have told my dad eight times that he had better help me with the babies since he's "laid off" (read: retired). Nick and I were so grateful to have our three grandmothers at our wedding nearly five years ago; I think we both just assumed that we would get to share the news about a pregnancy someday with all three of them. Unfortunately, Nick lost his grandmother about six months after our wedding, but I know she would have been thrilled for us, as both of my grandmothers are. It had really gotten to a point for us with all the fertility treatments that we thought we would NEVER be able to share the news with them, so this was a huge milestone and very, very special.
Special thanks to: My dinner companions Tuesday night...it's great when you invite people over to your house and they bring dinner and all you are required to do is eat! Additional special thanks to my friends Shannon and Ashley for the adorable photos of the Chuck Taylor's you see gracing the header.
Also, I can't believe I forgot to mention one of my favorite presents from last week! My friends tell me there is something called 'pregnancy brain' wherein pregnant women become increasingly forgetful. I think technically it happens later in pregnancy, but I am going to invoke it now. Anyway, when we were in Chicago for Jenni's bachelorette party at the beginning of May, I got to see my good friend/former fellow movie theater employee/college roommate Jessica. She had on the most adorable little white knit hooded jacket and oh, how I coveted it. I'm pretty sure I told her I was going to steal it and knowing that when it comes to clothes, I can't be trusted...she wisely (and secretly) scooped one up for me and had it delivered to my house last week. The funniest part is that Nick happened to be home sick the day it was delivered and she had alerted me to the delivery of a package but didn't tell me what it was. So, I called Nick from work and had him open it up to tell me what it was. Let's just say his description was less than accurate. Thank you so much, Jessica! In penance for neglecting to thank you publicly earlier, you all get a picture of me wearing the jacket, first thing in the morning, no makeup and crazy hair. There was a picture of me with the hood up, but Nick started calling me Slim Shady, so I've refrained. You're welcome.
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