Speaking of combos...our little ones are doomed for a lifetime of combo birthday/Christmas gifts. We have learned that though my 'official' due date is January 7th...I will likely deliver somewhere between 36 and 37 weeks, which puts me at December 10th-December 17th -ish. Plus, there's two of them so they'll get combo birthday/Christmas/SHARED gifts. Nick and I were laughing the other day about wrapping up ONE soccer ball for birthday/Christmas and telling them they could share it. Hee! Although this is assuming we actually make it to 36-37 weeks; plenty of twin mamas go before that.
Other than devising plots to irritate and infuriate our children, we are doing very well! And by we - I mean, me, Sweetie Pie and Honey Bunch (gags at my own preciousness). I am nearly into the second trimester, which means I can look forward to the end of this horrendous nausea and never-ending fatigue. OH, WAIT. I skipped that part. I still have not gained any weight, but I DEFINITELY have a bump and I'm officially in maternity clothes and/or forgiving regular clothes, which phew - what a relief! I can't believe you pregnant people have been keeping these clothes to yourself. They should really be available to everyone as the comfort level is just unparalleled. Except for these. Those things are confusing and torturous. It is either constantly rolling up and revealing my unbuttoned pants or rolling down and revealing my butt crack. Either way, Not Very Classy. But good for those of you who figured it out. Anyway, I asked the doctor how far ahead women who are pregnant with multiples measure ahead (in terms of uterus size) and he said anywhere from 4-8 weeks, which makes sense, because I look at least 4 months pregnant. Although, admittedly there was just the teensiest tiniest bit of cushion there to start with. ;)
I went maternity clothes shopping with another pregnant friend this weekend and picked up a few things at a great sale. I don't want to spend a ton of money on stuff, but I also have an abiding need to be cute. :) We loaded up a couple of rooms with a ridiculous amount of clothes and paraded our outfits to each other. The sales attendant keep oohing and ahhing and eventually I asked her if she EVER told a pregnant woman that something didn't look good. To which her reply was "No, I just say 'I think we can do better'." I guess I should be glad I didn't hear that phrase. Also, maternity stores are awesome! Easily accessible bathrooms, free drinks and comfy chairs. Genius.
As a result of my belly bump, I had to announce to all of my co-workers because I could no longer get away with the "I had Chinese for lunch" excuse and really was getting tired of the side-eye. I have told many close friends and family members that I was pregnant and never cried once. So, OF COURSE, I chose to cry in front of 65 co-workers. Gah! Emotions. Anyway, everyone was very sweet and super supportive. And now I can wear maternity clothes to work unabashedly.
We'll be announcing to our extended family and friends in the next couple of weeks, which is super exciting. It's crazy to me how fast time is flying by! We wanted to wait until nearly the second trimester, which is what conventional wisdom tells you is the safest plan.
And now for a weekly update...times two!
How Far Along: 11 weeks, 6 days
Size of Baby: 10 weeks - kumquat, 11 weeks - fig
What I'm Doing: Trying to avoid going back for a second helping of meatloaf. I make excellent meatloaf.
Cravings: Seriously, I'm going to have to start making these up or something. Maybe it will start happening as the pregnancy progresses, but for now - all I was is fruits and vegetables and lots of it. The only remotely unhealthy craving I have is baked potatoes, but I want it with broccoli. :) Luckily, I have some fabulous friends bringing me a baked potato and salad bar next week. Thanks, lovelies! I had a happy hour on Friday with my friends Jill and Jenni at which I ate a lot of bad bar food. And then suffered afterwards with crazy bloat, so I guess I should be grateful that my cravings are healthy.
Sleep: No real change here. It's kind of all over the place. Some nights I fall asleep at 8pm and others I can't fall asleep until nearly midnight. I keep trying to take naps but I find I can't take a nap longer than 20 minutes...maybe my body is preparing me for life with twins. :)
Sex of Babies: Still unknown, although in case you were wondering, we will be finding out! I used to think it would be so much to be surprised and now, I'm kinda done with being surprised. I've had my fill of surprises.
Symptoms: Is having a baby bump a symptom? That's all I got.
Fetal Movement: None, and it's really too early. Although apparently in the beginning, it feels like gas, so what if I mistake the babies moving for gas or vice versa?
What I'm Looking Forward To This Week: Nick and I are doing our annual trek to the Royals-Cardinals baseball game, the only time I'm allowed to root against the Cardinals. I've also got a cooking class with the family scheduled, some girl time and a visit to my 104 year old grandmother! Debating telling her about the pregnancy...still undecided, though.
Special Thanks To: So many people! Here's the thing no one tells you when you are pregnant - you get gifts! I've been loaned maternity clothes, a fetal Doppler heart monitor (have yet to try it out on my belly, but I do have a heartbeat in case you're wondering), and a maternity store gift card. Many, many thanks to Debbie, Lezlie and Ashley! Hugs to you all...
Many thanks also to Nick who with the arrival of my official bump this week has begun patting it and talking to the babies a lot, which is pretty freaking adorable.
And if you made it this far, you deserve a medal! Or at least the official 12 week bump pic. :)
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