It's true...we have two Baby Bergers on the way. Watch out world!
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It's kind of big news in our world. We've been undergoing in vitro fertility treatments for about a year and finally got lucky on our fourth try. We like to say that the fact that we are pregnant with twins just means a better return on our investment.
We are overjoyed, over the moon, beyond excited and completely terrified. Luckily, we have some pretty awesome friends and family that have been supporting us on this journey and we know they'll be there when the twins are both screaming at three o'clock in the morning, right? Right?!
My 'technical' due date is January 7th, however I will deliver somewhere between 36 and 37 weeks, which puts us in mid-December. Santa is going to be extra good to us this year!
While we were undergoing IVF, we started a blog for our immediate family and close friends so we could keep them updated on our progress. Once we found out that we were pregnant, we decided to start this blog to stay in touch with friends and family...and to create a journal of sorts for our own family in the making. I've copied some weekly pregnancy updates from the original blog over to here, which you can find by either scrolling down or going over to the right sidebar and using the drop-down menu under Categories to select Pregnancy Week by Week. For my
What can you expect from this blog? Pregnancy updates, anecdotes about our cats that are likely only amusing to me, crappy photography, the occasional recipe, Pinteresting gone both right and horribly wrong, and in just six short months, an obscene number of pictures of our twin babies, who will undoubtedly be the most beautiful, smartest, funniest, and most athletic babies in the history of ever. And that's not hyperbole.
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