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Doctor's Appointment Update: From here on out, I am getting weekly doctor's visits...in two weeks, those will include bio physical profiles, where they measure a whole range of items about the babies - their weight, the amniotic fluid, muscle tone (the babies, not mine - thank goodness), etc. Everything was still looking good at this week's appointment, so I'm grateful for that. We also did a hospital tour, which had the effect of both simultaneously giving me relief and utterly terrifying me. The labor and delivery suites are pretty swanky (as my mom pointed out, the website notes the "Italian Riviera" style bathrooms...I doubt any woman ever giving birth has noticed) though the mother/baby rooms are pretty standard (my mom also pointed out that this is probably so you are more apt to go home). We also swung by the NICU so we would be familiar with that and talked about at what point there would be automatic NICU time (even just for a few hours)...which is anything prior to 36 weeks, I believe. There is something a little heartbreaking about thinking about your babies not being with you right away, but obviously 1) we want the doctors to give our babies the best care possible, whatever that means and 2) We have had many friends and family with babies in the NICU for long periods of time - which is hard for me to imagine, but also gives me strength.
Speaking of the NICU, I have obsessively watched the video of the evacuation of the NICU unit at a hospital in NYC this week. It is almost incomprehensible how scary that must be, not just for the parents, but for all of the staff...it's also a nice reminder of all the good that is out there in the world. I will admit - I've been grumpy off and on this week, but watching all the coverage of Hurricane Sandy has reminded me how lucky I really am. That probably doesn't mean I'll stop being grumpy, but it will be more of a grateful grumpy.
Size of Babies: Head of Lettuce
Cravings: Nothing really this week - I'm mostly too tired to care.
Sleep: The snoogle has run its course and is no longer helping me sleep, but is in fact, a hindrance. I've developed a new complicated system that seems to be helping...sort of. It would be a lot better if it hadn't coincided with Ernie The Multi-Toed Wonder Cat's new-found obsession with sleeping ON my belly at all times. I can't blame him - I bet it's very comfy and quite warm. Still, though, not great for sleep.
Nursery Update: Coming along! Nick and his dad finished up some bookcases and put up a few shelves last weekend. I'm starting to see an end in sight...and the carpet on the floor again (now that I'm actually able to put some things away). The chair came in and I love it - it is super comfy, despite being smaller, and I think it's something we can re-use in another room when it outlives its purpose in the twins' room. Since I've selfishly shared very little with you about the nursery, there's a pic of the chair below. This weekend, we are tackling the closet, I'm going to put up some artwork, and maybe get the curtains up.
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Symptoms: This was a bad week for symptoms...so bad, in fact, that I'm not going to go into the details, except to say that I had to create and purchase the Walgreens Pregnancy Shopping Cart of Shame.
Fetal Movement: The doctors keep telling me that the movement should be slowing down, but I see no signs of that whatsoever. In fact, if anything - I can now feel Baby B's kicks and punches even harder. It will be interesting to see at our next ultrasound in a few weeks how the babies are positioned.
What I'm Looking Forward To Next Week: I love Daylight Savings Time...I know, I'm probably the only person in the world that does. And actually, it's not the change in the time that does it for me, I just really like the extra hour we get this weekend. More time for nursery projects! I'm also looking forward to the election; I read an article the other day that said you should take your kids with you to vote to highlight the importance of voting. I guess I'll bring the twins along. :)
Best Moment of the Week: A couple of things - 1) we had a great time with Nick's parents last weekend and super appreciated their help with some nursery 'stuff', as well as a great dinner with both of our parents (the best part being that Nick BBQ'ed and the moms did the sides, so all I had to do was show up - score! My contribution was picking up pies from The Upper Crust.), 2) My mom has decided to purchase something utterly adorable for the babies' arrival...let's just say that the love of babies in outfits that involve ears might be genetic and 3) Nick has been working diligently on both the Christmas stockings (Baby Boy's stocking is nearly done!) and some other special projects. Exhibit A: Custom Made Transformer Onesies...the only dilemma is who will be an Autobot and who will be a Decepticon? It's important to note that GREAT CARE went into purchasing EXACTLY the right shade of onesies for this project. Daddy has a matching shirt, as well. Mommy - not so much. Maybe that's what I'm getting for Christmas this year. :)
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Special Thanks To: My new favorite doctor at the clinic, a resident, who told me this week that the things I have going for me in this pregnancy with twins are that I am young and slim and in good health. I nearly jumped off the exam table to kiss her on the mouth. She might have been bluffing, but I don't care. Bless you, kind doctor, bless you.
What I Want The Babies To Know This Week: I am going to be really, really sad when you all stop letting me pick out your Halloween costumes in favor of picking your own - i.e. whatever cartoon or superhero is popular at that time. Not that I don't want to you to enjoy Halloween and the option of picking out your own costume. It's just there are so many great options for twins (thanks, Mom, for sending me a website with ideas!). Sigh... also, your father probably will not be allowed to hand out Halloween candy as he gave out such huge handfuls of candy this year that we ran out early and had to turn off the porch light and hide in our own house.
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