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Twenty-Nine Weeks was considerably quieter than the last month...a much needed break. I did have another gestational diabetes screening (with multiples, you get an early screen and the standard 28-30 week screening because your risk is higher for GD), and while I was waiting for the one and two-hour blood draws. I was treated to young pregnant woman repeatedly blowing chunks in the waiting room. I wanted so badly to be charitable and feel badly for her, but all I could do was try to suppress my own sympathetic vomiting instincts. I must have looked a little green around the gills, because the office staff asked me repeatedly if I was okay (which I was).
I am in full-on nesting mode...do not get between me and my plans. I crossed all sorts of things off my list this week, including setting up a hospital tour, making an appointment with a pediatrician, setting up newborn care and breastfeeding classes, various nursery 'stuff' and MOST importantly, buying the twins their requisite 'coming home from the hospital outfits'. Spoiler alert - there are bear ears involved. In fact, when I took them out to show them to Nick and said (in all seriousness), "this is happening", all he could do was laugh and nod his head.
The down-side of the nesting mode is that is has also coincided with a general exhaustion/lack of energy mode. It is beyond frustrating to have so many things you want to accomplish, but not be able to physically do them all. Luckily, Nick and our parents are stepping in to help out. I am pretty focused with the things that can be done via laptop...i.e. buying adorable coming home outfits.
Size of Babies: Butternut Squash
Cravings: Chocolate and nutella...I think at this stage in pregnancy, there is so little enjoyment to be had (due to constant discomfort and the effects of ongoing lack of sleep), that chocolate is the only thing that can truly be enjoyed. Interestingly, I'm not normally much of a chocolate person, but the father of my children has wisely picked up on the virtues of chocolate and brought it to me several times this week. He's a good egg, that one.
Sleep: Nothing new here, but my friend Ali, a new mom, just told me that newborn tired is totally different from pregnant tired...in a good way. I suspect she may just be telling this to make me feel better, but I'm going to play along nonetheless.
Nursery Update: Squee!!! I mean, it's still a disaster, but now it's a CUTE disaster! My parents came over last weekend and helped me sort through all the 'stuff' and come up with an organizational plan. Nick and I have some work and rearranging to do and then Mom and Dad are coming back to help with Nursery Organization: Phase 2. Additionally, Nick's parents are in town this weekend and have generously pledged to help with the nursery. My suspicions are that all these offers for help are really just clever ploys to look at adorable baby clothes all day, but I'll take it. :)
The crib bedding and curtains also are in and I am so happy with how it turned out! No sneak peeks just yet, but I'm really pleased with how my 'artistic vision' (insert groan here) is turning out. Sometimes Nick and I just go stare at the cribs and bask in the cuteness. Still to complete -a couple of DIY projects, hanging some artwork, hanging the curtains and waiting for a chair to be delivered.
Symptoms: The usual - backache, fatigue/lack of sleep, general grumpiness. When the weather was warmer earlier this week, I was looking a little puffy, but now that it's cooled off, that's much better.
Fetal Movement: Still lots of it...and apparently I'm supposed to now do daily kick counts (twice a day measure how many movements happen within an hour). I decided to do that once and gave up after about 30 movements in less than half an hour. Um, they are moving - and a lot...so unless I notice a marked difference, I'm not going to count.
What I'm Looking Forward To Next Week: Nick's parents being in town, more nursery progress and a hospital tour!
Best Moment of the Week: A much-needed happy hour with my gals Jenni and Jill! Thanks for the girl talk and for telling me that I still look great because I pretty much feel like a roly-poly. :)
Special Thanks To: This is sort of a carry-over from last week, but now that I have pictures, I have to thank (again) my friends Amber, Ashely, Courtney, Elizabeth and Shannon for the rainbow-themed shower they threw (and the subsequent tears it induced), as well as my dear friend Brooke for taking pictures, as well as everyone who attended. Brooke has just started a photography business, so check her out...and while you are at it, take a look at some of the pics from the shower!
What I Want The Babies To Know This Week: A few weeks ago, I attended a work event that involved a children's book signing for the author. Not knowing that much about the book, I picked it up as I sat at the registration table with a fellow co-worker. When he noticed I was reading the book, he got up rather abruptly. Perplexed, I started reading through the book and realized quickly that I was reading the Saddest and Yet Best Children's Book Ever. I immediately started crying and luckily, the co-worker's errand turned out to be tissues pour moi (apparently, it had become well known amongst staff that the book was a tear-jerker...I suppose I also looked like a likely candidate for tears). Although tear-inducing, I can't say enough good things about this book; it's called Meet Me at the Moon and in addition to beautiful illustrations of life on the savannah in Africa, its message about loved ones never being far from our hearts was so beautiful. I actually picked the book up again on the day I found out my grandmother passed and it brought me some comfort. In the words of the great LeVar Burton, "you don't have to take my word for it"...but you should. Plus, the author was adorable and sweet and she autographed the book to the babies, which of course made me teary all over again. I can't wait to read it to you someday, sweet babies! Just ignore my leaky eyes and snotty nose, okay?!
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