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Week 31 - lots of excitement! We had our first vaguely emergency trip to labor and delivery. I had some symptoms I was concerned about and when I called the triage line, the resident I spoke to told me I should head to the hospital. Whee! I was at work at the time, getting ready to leave for the day, so I quickly called Nick and told him (calmly) to meet me at the ER...and then I stupidly spent 15 minutes quickly cleaning off my desk and leaving helpful notes so that someone could make sense of the piles of paper. I think I am one of those people who gets freakishly calm under stress, so at the time, this made sense to me.
When I finally got to the ER, Nick was already there and it was kind of a mad-house. They found someone to take me up to Labor and Delivery, which was also a madhouse (apparently) because they couldn't fit me into the triage area and instead put me in Recovery. No one else was there, so that was kind of nice. It was like having my own room and dedicated nurse. Anyways, they asked me a million questions and ran a lot of tests and obviously, everything was fine. Which is good - stay in babies! You still got cookin' to do. All in all, I felt very good about what I dubbed our 'practice run'.
Doctor's Appointment Update:
All good news still...I was supposed to just have a clinic visit, no ultrasound, but the doctor decided she wanted to 'lay eyes' on the twins. I told her I never turn down an ultrasound. Babies stats are good, my stats are good AND....Baby Girl has finally moved around into a position where we can see her sweet face. Which, of course, meant that her brother was utterly uncooperative. Forgive the sort of sad camera phone picture; I didn't have time to scan this photo yet.
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Size of Babies: Pineapple
Cravings: Still nothing really. In fact, this week marked the first time ever that our refrigerator was nearly completely bare. It also may have marked the last time that I get groceries while pregnant as it is just too uncomfortable for me anymore. By the way, Nick would gladly take care of the groceries; I've just been holding off on transferring that very important duty because normally I really like doing it AND I'm kinda picky. I know - you're shocked.
Sleep: Another important milestone this week - the week I tried sleeping in an upright chair...it worked surprisingly well for a few hours last night, so I see this becoming a regular thing.
Nursery Update: You can see the floor again! Huzzah! Things are looking really good. After an important curtain consult with my parents (and a brilliant curtain hanging idea from my dad), those are up. The closet is getting put back together. Artwork has started going up on the wall. Overall, I feel less panicky. And, yes, I do realize that the babies could have come home even if the nursery wasn't done, but it is one of those things that makes me feel better about having completed, so there. Only a few things left to do - my mom and I are working on a DIY project with the twins' names to hang above their cribs...finish organizing stuff...style the shelves...and maybe look for a rug. But, all in all, it is coming together and I can't wait to share pics! Nick has been working his you-know-what off between the nursery and the stockings; he's such a good dad already.
Symptoms: Just poor sleep and the resulting fatigue! And leg cramps. And some waddling, I suppose. :)
Fetal Movement: Still going strong! Around 8pm at night seems to be their favorite time to really get their groove on.
What I'm Looking Forward To Next Week: Eeek - next week is really crazy for me at work, so I guess I'm looking forward to...surviving the week? At the end of the week, I have a baby shower at work planned, so that will be fun. Oh, and we have our newborn/breastfeeding class.
Best Moment of the Week: Sorry, I know everyone is tired of talking about the election, but I am really happy with a number of results and since the purpose of this blog is to document everything during the pregnancy, I feel like I have to talk about it. So - yay! For me, anyways - Obama was re-elected, Akin was defeated, gay marriage passed on several state ballots AND Elizabeth Warren won? It was like Christmas and Easter and Halloween all rolled into one. Gives me hope for the future. Additionally, I had started saying that I wasn't going to have these babies unless Obama was re-elected, so a big 'phew!' there. :) I know not everyone is happy with the results, but my biggest hope is that our children will be born into an era of political cooperation. Fingers crossed anyway. At a minimum, I feel like, in particular, the growing support for gay marriage means that our children will grow up in a country where that might just be the norm.
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Special Thanks To: the nice people in line in front of me to vote who let me cut in line when the weirdo behind us started making some decidedly rude comments about voting for Obama
What I Want The Babies To Know This Week: Kids, it's like I don't even know your dad anymore. Someone that used to generally eschew politics is now 1) actively reading, listening and seeking out information and 2) wanting to talk politics and policy issues with me on a near daily basis and 3) will WILLINGLY watch cable news with me, although we have to take turns between all the stations. Now, don't get me wrong - your father is brilliant...he's just always not been terribly interested in these things. He also just discovered that he's a Libertarian (which, by the way, I have been telling him that for-EVER) and thinks that is the greatest thing since sliced bread. All in all, I am super pleased with all of these developments (despite the fact that we now disagree on some candidates) and think that at least, in some part, we have you two to thank. It seems like having kids does add another layer to how I think about government and politics and I suspect the same is true of your dad. Now that said, if you have any questions about politics or government, you should DEFINITELY come to me first. :) Your Dad can handle math and science homework.
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