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Do you remember when I waxed poetic about the sheer joy that pregnancy clothes, particularly pants with the stretchy panels brought me? Those days are gone, my friends. These days, all my big belly wants to do is bust out of those stretchy confines into, say, a nice mumu or something along those lines. I find myself wearing mostly skirts and dresses these days. My burgeoning belly has also led to some rather interesting, uh, wardrobe malfunctions. Luckily, nothing in public, but let's just say that Nick has had to rescue me from both a pair of maternity jeggings (I know - totally insane, right? The reviewers on Old Navy LIED) and a maternity/nursing tank that, in my defense, needed an instruction manual. I am basically two different sizes - my belly and then everything else. And the two do NOT agree.
Doctor's Appointment Update:
This week, we had our first biophysical profile; there are certain tests the babies have to complete within a 30 minute time period - large movements, smaller movements, breathing practice, etc. Both babies passed so that is good news - means they are nice and healthy! Baby Girl is measuring at 4 lbs 5 oz and Baby Boy is measuring at 4 lbs 2 oz. Things still look good on my end as well, although my blood pressure was a little higher than normal; I told the doctor that I was pretty sure six weeks of not sleeping was bound to raise your blood pressure and he agreed.
The doctors also told me they would like me to get to 38 weeks...not the 36/37 we had discussed earlier in the pregnancy. Interestingly, 38 weeks would be Christmas Eve. Obviously, a lot can change between now and then so we're just going to keep playing it by ear and not worry about things too much.
I think I forgot to mention that I got the Tdap vaccine (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) at my appointment last week. Because of the increase in cases of whooping cough/pertussis, they are now recommending that pregnant women have the vaccine in their third trimester. I had asked about the vaccine a few weeks ago and was told that they didn't carry it in the clinic. When I asked again last week, the doctor I was seeing 1) seemed horrified that the vaccine wasn't available in the clinic and 2) basically demanded that someone track down a vaccine for me and refused to let me leave until I had been given it. When the nurse told her that this 'might cause an insurance problem', she said 'I don't care'. I was both scared and impressed. Nick and the grandparents have also had the vaccine and word on the street is that my brother, who is dating a very lovely public health nurse, might be getting one as well. :) Interesting article about the rise of whooping cough can be found here.
We also met and picked out a pediatrician, which is another nice thing to mark off the list. We chose a D.O. at a children's clinic near our house and really liked her. Okay, Nick really liked her. I was slow to warm up because I am all suspicious-like and feel the need to cross-examine anyone who is going to take care of my babiieeeeezzz. But, I warned up to her and after we talked about her philosophy of care (no antibiotics unless absolutely necessary, homeopathic remedies where possible), I felt better.
Size of Babies: Squash
Cravings: Despite one notable 'happy hour' pig-out with a couple of fellow pregnant friends (don't worry - our drink of choice was bubble tea), I have to remind myself to eat. I'm not really hungry...nothing sounds terribly good...and I'm too tired to prepare anything. I know...first world problems. I haven't gained weight in maybe 4-5 weeks? But the babies are continuing to grow at an excellent rate, so they must be getting enough. I've said it before and I'll say it again - pregnancy is weird, y'all. Although Thanksgiving is next week, which means....MASHED POTATOES. Oh, I guess Nick did have friends from St. Louis in town this weekend and my only request was smoked sausage, but I'm not sure that's actually a craving.
Sleep: If one more person tells me to 'get my rest' or 'sleep now while I can', I will shoot them. I would LOVE to rest and to sleep, but my hips feel like they are being stabbed if I lay on them for more than 20 minutes, which means I rotate back and forth from side to side every 20 minutes all night. Luckily Nick is a sound sleeper. Although it is incredibly irritating to be struggling to sleep and look over at your partner to see them peacefully sleeping (cue the Debussy)...sort of makes me want to do things irritating enough like turn on all the lights or stomp around when I have to go to the bathroom BUT I RESTRAIN MYSELF. Because I'm a giver.
I finally talked to the doctor about the lack of sleep because I was beginning to feel vaguely crazy. He gave me three options - two over the counter and Ambien. After he assured me that the Ambien was safe and I tried out the OTC options with no luck (and with some convincing from Nick), I gave into the Ambien. The pharmacist asked me 70 times if my doctor knew I was pregnant. Yes, I am pretty sure that the doctor that is treating me for PREGNANCY knows that I'm PREGNANT. Thanks, Walgreens. I won't say the sleep is great on Ambien but it is an improvement from waking up every 20 minutes all night and getting up between 1-4 AM Every. Single. Night. I realize I'll be sleeping less when the babies are here, but I would imagine during the time I'm sleeping, I will ACTUALLY BE SLEEPING. Big difference. (If you think differently, PLEASE DO NOT KILL MY DREAMS!)
Nursery Update: There are still some odds and ends to complete, but I finished the name artwork to put over the cribs (thanks to some great help from my Mom and Dad!) and things are organized-ish. Here's a sneak peek of one corner while we continue to 'zhush' up the rest of the nursery. :) The artwork is the lyrics to L.O.V.E. by Nat King Cole - the first song we danced to at our wedding (and by we, I mean Nick, because I never practiced our choreography in my wedding dress, so Nick basically had to drag me around the floor.)
Symptoms: Nothing really besides the lack of sleep! (knocks on wood) I have a few Braxton Hicks here and there, but still pretty minimal.
Fetal Movement: No slow down here...although I did learn that what I thought was Baby Girls' butt is actually Baby Boy's feet now.
What I'm Looking Forward To Next Week: Thanksgiving! Our plans are a little bit up in the air; we have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday and we'll talk to the doc then about whether or not we are okay to drive to St. Louis. We would really like to make it to spend time with Nick's family, but we are playing it by ear at this point. We are also celebrating Thanksgiving with my family today - hooray!
Best Moment of the Week: My work threw me a very sweet shower...I am overwhelmed at how generous they were to Nick and I and the twins. You wouldn't think we could possibly need anything else, but it turns out - we do. :)
Special Thanks To: Ambien...and also to Nick. He has tried to help as much as he can while I'm
What I Want The Babies To Know This Week: Nothing, other than your momma and daddy are already completely in love with you and think you are the most adorable things everrrrrr. And, as I said on Facebook this week, we love that you already make us laugh and can't wait to share these pictures at your weddings. (Too lazy to scan again this week, so you get cell snaps).
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