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Size of Babies: Head of Broccoli
What I'm Doing: Trying to stay awake past 8pm at night, but I'm not sure that's going to happen.
Cravings: Reese's peanut butter pumpkins. :::hangs head in shame::: I even hid them from Nick. He saw me eating one and said "Hey! Where did you get that? I want one!" I got one for him but I did not reveal my hiding spot. What's weird is that I love all the holiday Reese's cups - pumpkins, trees, hearts, eggs, etc, but I don't like actual Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. A co-worker told me it's the peanut butter to chocolate ratio. I would like to ask the fine people at Reese's to just give up the cup charade and make the far superior holiday shapes year round.
Sleep: I think I'm just becoming more accustomed to operating on less sleep, which I suppose is a good thing. I might fall asleep earlier than normal, but I'm usually awake for several hours at night while the babies carry on their ping-pong match or whatever it is that they are doing down there that seems to involve a lot of elbows and knees to my ribs and vital organs.
Sex of Babies: Boy and girl...and this week, we got our first pink and blue gifts! My awesome friend Jean (who I will see this weekend - yay!) introduced me to her friend April, who lives in Denver, and we have been gchat buddies for a while now. She surprised me at work on a Monday with fun gifts - the softest, plushest baby blankets EVARRRR...and they are pink and blue...AND they have turtles on them. :::faints:::
Nursery Update: Nick and I just finished an extended discussion of the nursery layout...some of the supplies we needed for our storage/window seat project arrived today so we've been playing around with that. Nick also spent some time this weekend putting together a dresser/changing table for the nursery, which so far means that we have two cribs, a dresser and a bunch of assorted sizes of bookshelves all in the nursery in no discernible order. :) Oh, and wall color! As you can see from this week's bump picture, we went with a navy blue.
And I started attempting to organize the closet, but since someone (ahem, Mom) keeps dropping hints about helping with that, I think I'll let her come over and assist once we get further along. Also, when I say 'organizing the nursery', what I really mean is 'take all of the clothes out the closet and sigh over how cute they are'. (I realize this makes it sounds like we have tons of clothes for the babies, which we don't...I just like looking at what we do have.) Word on the street is that our crib bedding and curtains are coming along nicely, too - I can't wait to see it! And I've ordered some artwork. AND...my sweet and very talented cousin Cailie, who is a very gifted artist, is going to help us out with some additional artwork. :::double fist pump:::
Symptoms: Nothing new here! Other than I suppose my belly is attracting more and more attention, for good or for bad. Good - people help you carry your groceries to the car. Bad - a little old lady in my work neighborhood exclaimed "God, you're BIG!" to me the other day. She seemed relieved that I had two in there. :) She also told me that I shouldn't do what her kids did, which was give their children completely unpronounceable and unspellable words. Something about a silent "g", I guess. I think I might be ge getting a little waddle-y, which is unfortunate given that I still have several months to go. I don't think I'm really gaining much weight, but my belly is expanding leaps and bounds...some of the maternity clothes I bought early on no longer fit. :( Luckily, I have some pregnant friends who were happy to get first dibs before I put them on craigslist. :) Yay for recycling!
Fetal Movement: See reference to ping-pong tournament in mah belly above.
What I'm Looking Forward To Next Week: We are headed on a weekend trip to St. Louis on Thursday night for a variety of things - Nick's 15 year high school reunion, a BBQ competition and...my first shower! I am so excited! Nick's mom has been sweet enough to put it together; she is an amazing cook, so I'm sure the food will be delicious and of course, I am looking forward to cake. There just aren't enough occasions in life where you feel totally justified in eating cake. It will be so good to see Nick's family and extended family, plus some of Nick and I's friends that are in St. Louis. And of course, there will be plenty of BBQ to ensure these babies grow up knowing that the four food groups are: ribs, brisket, shoulder and chicken. We are also starting our childbirth classes next week, which holycrapwearereallyhavingtwobabiesaren'twe? Childbirth classes make it seem real because hello, the whole point of a birthing class is to focus on how you are actually going to get the babies out into, like, the real world. And then you have to take care of them and stuff. Whoa.
Best Moment of the Week: Nick was actively campaigning for inclusion in this week's best moment, but little did he know that I had already decided what follows would make the cut. So, I would say that most days, we spend 20-30 minutes looking at my belly, talking to the babies, feeling them move and watching my belly jump and jive with twins' movements. As we were doing that last night, Nick started walking two of his fingers up to the 'peak' of my belly, whilst yodeling. I was confused for a brief moment, until I realized that I recognized the yodeling...and Nick quickly confirmed that where I recognized it from was correct - the "Going Up the Mountain" game on The Price is Right. I don't know why, but this struck me as insanely hilarious and I laughed until I cried and then made him do it again while I videotaped it (No, I am not going to share - I have to keep SOMETHING to myself, peeps. You understand.) And then, because I am crazy hormonal pregnant lady, I start cry-crying because it was so cute and Nick's going to be such a good dad and we love the babies so much and blah blah blah. Anyway, Nick's ability to make me laugh knows no bounds; I honestly don't know where he comes up with half this stuff.
Special Thanks To: The afore-mentioned elderly lady, who despite telling me I was "SO BIG", also told me that I still had a beautiful shape and figure and that I was lucky I didn't just look fat. Um, thanks...I think?
What I Want The Babies To Know This Week: Here's the thing, babies. You are really lucky. Like, REALLY lucky. For a lot of reasons, but specifically this week...you're lucky to be born to a mom and dad that have wildly opposing skillsets and strengths. This has never been more apparent than in the division of labor in the creation of your stockings. On Sunday, while your dad put together nursery furniture, I was instructed to organize the sequins, beads and thread. Score! This is a stocking task that I excelled at. Feeling pretty pleased with myself, I was later asked to start cutting out shapes for one of the kits, while your dad began work on the other. In my mind, it made sense to cut out all of the shapes at once. Not so much. Your dad was utterly horrified and completed tickled that this was my approach. When he asked if I read the instructions, I had to hang my head and tell him no. After regaining his composure, he began assigning me VERY specific tasks and told me that if I wanted to progress in the level of my tasks, I could do so, but only if I watched some instructional You Tube videos first. Harumph. Oh, he also taught me which side of the sequin is the 'right' side. Who knew?
Now, I enjoy crafting as much as the next Pinterest enthusiast, but I was not cut out for tasks that involve a lot of hand-eye coordination or patience (this leaves a fairly narrow window of crafts I excel at). Anyways, I tell you all of this because I think it's illustrative of the way your father and I's marriage works - I have strengths, he has strengths. Together, we are like, pretty much unstoppable. Which is how you got here! We were bound and determined to have a family and by god, we did it. For some people, not much of an accomplishment in terms of mechanics, but for us - a major life obstacle that we got through by leaning on each other. We might drive each other crazy sometimes (see: working on stockings) but we are an awesome team.
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