How Far Along: 23 weeks
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Size of Babies: Ear of Corn
What I'm Doing: The upside of not being able to sleep in is that I've already done some laundry, cleaning and made a healthy breakfast casserole and pumpkin muffins. However, I foresee a nap coming on soon.
Cravings: I have been all about the incredible edible egg this week. So much so that I have switched from my normal crazy green smoothie in the morning to scrambled eggs. (Also responsible for this morning's casserole). I am enjoying all manners of eggs (think Bubba in Forrest Gump - scrambled eggs, hardboiled eggs, fried eggs, soft boiled eggs, etc, etc.) and the biggest upside is that I am no longer starving at 9am.
Sleep: I am choosing to think positively about my current state of sleep and think of it as excellent training for having twins (yes, I realize that the sleep I am getting now still far outweighs what is coming soon). Although a recent bout with sinus issues made my already poor sleep nonexistent which left me a leeeetttttle cranky.
Sex of Babies: Boy and Girl...and you'll all be pleased to know that baby boy will NOT be living in swim trunks (although that would still be adorable, if impractical). My mom and I hit up a huuuuuge consignment sale this week and picked up several items for baby boy and okay, MAYBE just a few more things for baby girl, too. But, it was all so cheap - consignment sales are the way to go! We focused mostly on preemie/newborn stuff. We have the luxury of knowing that our babes will be born early so I wanted to get them a few things to wear in those early days before they fit into newborn stuff. I also got another bouncer, an ahem, back-up baby bathtub, and activity mat. Oh, and my mom got a pack and play. Woo-hoo! We are an excellent shopping team. I also hit up a mothers of multiples consignment sale near my house and got a few more things.
Nursery Update: Nick and I spent last weekend clearing our the nursery, which by default created a huge mess everywhere else in the house. :) It's starting to look a lot better now. Our fabric has come in and the nursery paint has been purchased, so we are making great progress. Some of the nursery furniture is scheduled to be delivered, too.
Symptoms: Mostly just being a little tired and ready for baby girl to dislodge herself from my ribs. Nick says she is trying to get away from her brother's butt being in her face. :) Also, bending down, getting out of bed and reaching for things all requires me to make a kind of 'umph' noise that Nick gleefully imitates. Oh, and this is the worst of feet have officially gotten bigger. :( Not just from swelling either (which has happened a few times, although my calves and ankles have remained separate entities). I am praying to the shoe gods that I will be able to wear my closet full of shoes after the babies come but in the meantime, I had to break down and order a pair of (inexpensive) boots to wear the next few months. :( I also had a bad night (preceded with a day where I didn't drink nearly enough water) full of Braxton Hicks contractions, so I am now being even more vigilant about my water intake.
Fetal Movement: So much to report here! Nick finally felt the babies move...we had been trying for weeks, but he would always be just a second too late. It was pretty exciting for both of us. Most nights, we spend some time laying in bed either feeling them move or watching my belly bounce as they karate kick. (When a particularly violent kick happens, Nick makes Miss Piggy's 'Hiiiiiyah!' yell). This coincided with a dramatic increase in movement in the last week. Movement is sort of a misnomer because it sounds kind of nice. Being kicked in the bladder and ribs is not very nice. They are especially active at night, which is part of the problem with my sleep. Who would have thought something so tiny could deliver such a fierce blow? Sometimes it is enough to take my breath away. And, baby girl frequently gets the hiccups, which feels weird and cool all at the same time. Although, the first time it happened, I thought I was having a heart attack because she is so high in my stomach...the little rhythmic pulses scared me. But a quick check with Dr. Google assured me it was just adorable little baby hiccups.
What I'm Looking Forward To Next Week: Honestly, right now - all I can think about is sleep. Napping and sleeping. Today looks to be kind of gloomy which equals excellent napping weather. I am also ready for fall - cooler weather, rainy days, pumpkin flavored everything, boots, etc, etc. Oh, yeah - we also have our 24 week doctor's appointment - I can't believe the last month has passed so quickly. I'm ready to get a look at these babies again.
Best Moment of the Week: So many this week! Our first couple of shower invites came in the mail, which is super exciting! We are so lucky to have such great family and friends that want to share this time with us. My sister-in-law and brother-in-law found out they are having a baby boy - hooray! Nick's brother Tim's competitive BBQ team got third place in ribs at a big BBQ competition in Tunica, MS! That said, I think Nick feeling the baby kicks wins the award for best moment this week...he has been desperate to feel them move and now he can pretty much do so on demand.
Special Thanks To: Nick - for putting up with my nesting and constant need to move things around, clean up closets, move this over there, now move that over there, etc, etc, etc. You do so (mostly) without complaint and for that I am very grateful. Now, if you could just help me move a FEW more things...:)
What I Want The Babies To Know This Week: I try not to complain TOO (I'm using a very loose definition of TOO here) much about various pregnancy aches and pains because the truth is, I would take all of it and more. Kick me, make me tired, make my feet bigger, make me sick to my stomach, force me into having a cold with no cold medicine - I don't care. Your dad and I feel so blessed to be where we are at right now sometimes we have to pinch ourselves. And honestly, we've been so lucky - you've taken it (relatively) easy on your just keep that up for a few months, okay? XOXO, Mom
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