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Here's a snippet of what's been going on this week:
- Our 5th anniversary! As discussed, we made dinner at home (steak, shrimp and kale salad - yes, we are wild and crazy), then went out to a movie and dessert. I made this kale salad which was completely amazing. I think it's supposed to be more of a winter salad, but who cares? I did tear the kale leaves and massage them with a bit of olive oil because that makes them taste better, but other than that, followed the recipe. We also made these grilled shrimp which are a (healthier) riff on Bonefish Grill's Bang Bang Shrimp. Two thumbs up! I did not make the strawberry pie, as Nick and I determined that if we had an entire pie in the house, we would eat said entire pie...in a day.
- My grandma's 105th birthday party! Seriously, folks, she is amazing and still incredibly sharp...and sassy. She was surrounded by family and friends and wearing a tiara...what gets better than that? She also received an obscene amount of pudding as gifts, which...hey, pudding is awesome. I got to see some family members that we don't see often enough AND play with the dog who roams the center my grandma is at. So, all in all, a good time had by everyone.
- Made some nursery progress! Ordered the materials for our window seat/storage project, ordered the cribs and ordered a dresser to also be used as a changing table. Oh, well first - Nick measured the dimensions of the room so I could make sure everything fit. Now, we have to clear out this room in preparation for Nick and my dad to paint it. That sounds like a job for my super strong and muscled husband, doesn't it??? I'm a little stuck on the nursery chair...I don't think me plus two babies will fit in a normal glider...or at least not for long. These are the things that keep me up at night. :)
- Picked up a few fall/winter maternity things...like you know, jeans. I'm sure you are all glad to know that I won't be walking around pantless this fall.
A couple of Nick 'funnies':
1.) Nick's level of supportive-partner-ness knows no bounds. On Saturday, I was doing one of my workout DVDs in our family room when Nick came and stood next to me muttering encouraging words...whilst eating peanut butter off of a spoon.
2.) I had to have Nick pick up a few groceries last night because of an unfortunate foot-swelling incident. I had told him in the list what he needed to get organic and what he didn't. He bought EVERYTHING organic, including these very scary looking brown rice gluten-free wraps. I'm sure they are as delightful as they sound. However, I am super grateful for his help. He does his 'honey-do' list without complaint. Well, mostly without complaint. :) I couldn't do it without him.
I CAN'T BELIEVE I KEEP FORGETTING TO BLOG ABOUT THIS. Super exciting news...Nick's brother and his wife, my sister-in-law Lus, are pregnant with their first child! The baby will be due just a few months after ours arrive, so I'm so excited for cousins that are close in age. My neglectfulness in putting this in the blog was mostly because I didn't want to say anything until they had announced it publicly and then I just sort of...forgot. Pregnancy brain! Anyway, we are thrilled for them and know that they are going to make amazing parents. And Lus is just the cutest pregnant person EVER. Seriously. Also, I feel like there must be something in the water, as so many of my friends and family are pregnant right now. Yay for babeeez!
Size of Babies: Papaya!
What I'm Doing: Getting psyched for the Democratic National Convention...it's like my Super Bowl!
Cravings: Nutella. Lots of it. My new favorite 'dessert' is a spoonful of nutella mixed with a cup of coconut flavored greek yogurt. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. Yummmmm.....
Sleep: So I bought the pregnancy pillow, okay?! Many thanks to all of you who told me I was being ridiculous by not purchasing something that was going to make sleep so much better. And it is definitely helping, so money well spent. However, does it have to be called a 'snoogle'? That's not very dignified. When Nick asked what the large package from Amazon was, I had to reply 'snoogle'. I mean, really? Also, Ernie REALLY likes it. He also likes the comfort of my expanding lap. And the baby bouncer that my awesome friend Shannon lent us. See below for evidence.
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Sex of Babies: Boy and a girl...Nick and I are wavering a bit on our name choices. I think we both feel like it was too easy and that we should maybe spend some more time talking about it. Also, we haven't given them the 'what unfortunate nicknames will childhood classmates come up with?' litmus test.
Symptoms: Good news and bad news. The good news is I know WHY my back hurts. The bad news is - there's nothing I can do about it. After talking to my doctor, they think that one of the babies is pressing against a nerve (based on how I've described the pain)...and said baby is stubbornly not moving off of the nerve. My money is on Bad Baby B. :) I believe Bad Baby B is also responsible for the jabs to my ribs, which are so much fun. I also had my first pregnancy-induced feet swelling incident last night, precipitated by nearly a full day without AC at work (on a day that was 100 degrees, no less). In fairness, I'm sure it could have been a LOT WORSE...I mean I could still make out the difference between my foot, ankle and calf, but still as I told Nick..it makes me sad to see my piggies look so un-cute. Again - oh, well. Totally worth it. AND I got out of grocery shopping and making dinner, so not entirely without its benefits.
Fetal Movement: Yes. I typically get a sharp jab to the upper ribs followed by a poke to my lower abdomen. It's like they are purposely moving around in tandem. Of course, when this happens I then I pat my belly lovingly and say 'thank you, darlings...for continuing to let me know you're there. You can stop now. Anytime.'
What I'm Looking Forward To Next Week: A girls' night on Friday...more nursery progress...some consignment sales...oh, yeah - the return of my mom and dad from Ireland! I am so excited to see them! My mom sent me a picture of these adorable Irish hats she bought for the twins...squeeeee!!!
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Best Moment of the Week: Definitely celebrating our fifth year anniversary. As I said last week, we originally had plans to go out of town...and then we had plans for a big night on the town...and then we decided we just wanted to make a special dinner together. Interestingly, this was our most low-key anniversary celebration to date, but by far the most meaningful for all that we've been through and all that we have to look forward to.
Special Thanks To: Everyone who gave me advice on the registry process and product recommendations...the registry process is finally (mostly) done! I know it sounds ridiculous, but it really is overwhelming. There is just SO MUCH STUFF. And you sort of feel like if you don't register for every little last thing, Social Services is going to take your babies away from you. I just keep reminding myself that all babies really need is to be fed, a place to sleep, clothed and diapered. Not that stopped us from registering for a million things anyway. :)
What I Want The Babies To Know This Week: I'm just telling you now...I may have already started planning your one year birthday party, ok? That's just how I roll.
1. You look fantastic! I usually think it’s weird when people throw out the glowing line, but you are glowing. :)
ReplyDelete2. So glad you found jeans!
I think that might just be sweat. :) Me, too! And surprisingly, the ones that I liked ended up being the cheapest, which NEVER happens so it was sort of a win-win.