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Size of Babies: Cantaloupe (these produce comparisons are so confusing...last week, it was an ear of corn, this week a cantaloupe? But not a SMALL cantaloupe.)
Doctor's Appointment Update: We had our 24 week appointment yesterday and everything is still looking great On my end of things, blood pressure is good, cervix is good, results from the first gestational diabetes screening are good, weight gain is good, etc, etc. Gold star for momma! On the babies side, they are doing just as well. Baby boy weighs 1 lb 9 oz and baby girl weighs 1 lb 8oz which is right where they should be. All of their measurements look great and baby boy is still head down closest to the cervix and baby girl is basically sprawled straight across my upper abdomen. We spent some time talking about the delivery with our doctor; essentially, if they stay right where they are now (Baby Boy head down and Baby B sprawled straight across my upper abdomen), we can move forward with a normal delivery, no c-section unless it becomes necessary. Gold star for babies!
We also talked about bed rest and what types of events might precipitate it...at this point, I'm not showing the markers for anything they are concerned about, but obviously things like pre-eclampsyia can develop down the road. We also learned that if I go into labor on my own at 34 weeks or after, they will not stop it...and if by 37 weeks, I haven't gone into labor, they will induce. I will get to labor normally in a labor and delivery suite, but will actually give birth in an operating room for two reasons 1) in case they need to switch gears quickly and do a c-section and 2) there will be a lot of people involved - a doctor and neonatal team for each baby, my doctor, my nurse(s), and the anesthesiologist. I told the doctor it sounded like a party!
Apparently, a little more than 50% of mothers of fraternal twins make it to 37 weeks, so here's hoping I'm in that group! We have our childbirth classes and hospital tour coming up, but the doctor also suggested we tour the NICU so we know what to expect if the babies end up needing NICU care. So, lots of good information and I'm feeling relatively calm about the whole thing, other than I just realized that basically in ten weeks (and really, potentially sooner), I could have these babies. :::Frantically searches for to-do list::::
What I'm Doing: I do all my best writing early in the morning. :) I'm up early again today. I had a weird dream that a Red Baron-esque plane crashed into our roof and I had to rescue the cats. They were not so much interested in being rescued. When I woke up, I had a moment of panic thinking the cats still needed to be rescued, until I realized one was wrapped around my head and the other was "sharing" my snoogle with me.
Cravings: Still lots of eggs...but also orange juice. Orange juice and pregnancy heartburn do not mix, let me assure you.
Sleep: Same story, different week! I did have epic three-hour nap on Sunday, where I did not wake up ONCE. Impressive. And also - apparently, not replicable.
Sex of Babies: Boy and girl - we've started a whole other 'twins' project - Christmas stockings. Nick is sort of a Christmas stocking artist...it began several decades ago when he found a stocking kit that hadn't been made yet for his younger brother, Dan and took it upon himself to complete the project. After taking a several year hiatus (20 plus years), he re-ignited his love of Christmas stocking art by making me the LARGEST embroidered, appliqued, sequined stocking known to man during our first year of dating. I wish I had a picture so I could share just how mammoth (and complex) the stocking is. It is amazing. Subsequently, he made stockings for both of my sister-in-laws, so now everyone in the family has a stocking...except for the twins! The kits have been purchased and Santa's workshop will begin this weekend. I am only allowed to help with very specific tasks within very specific parameters, as apparently when I 'helped' him make my sister-in-law Becky's stocking, I sewed some sequins on wrong side out. I was not aware there was a 'wrong side' to sequins. Harumph.
Nursery Update: The nursery is painted - rejoice! My dad and Nick tackled this project last weekend, amidst deliveries of cribs and a dresser. My dad is quite the expert painter and showed Nick the 'ways of the brush'. (think the 'wax on, wax off' scene in Karate Kid) In return, Nick smoked a brisket for dinner with my parents...I think nursery painting for delicious brisket is an excellent swap! My mom and I neither painted nor BBQed, but we did enjoy the fruits of the men's labor. (Thanks, Dad! Thanks, Nick!) And also looking at all the little tiny baby clothes AGAIN. We are waiting on some of the items we need for our bookcase/window seat project to come in, so I'm not sure we'll have time to work on that this weekend or not. I was also able to get all of the fabric to the seamstress who is making our crib bedding and curtains, so I can't wait to see it all start coming together. :::claps hands together excitedly:::
Symptoms: Pretty much the same stuff - lack of sleep, back pain, etc. No scary feet swelling this week - thank god. I've learned I'm vain about my feet. There is just something really off-putting about looking down and seeing your feet look like the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man.
Fetal Movement: On Facebook, I recently compared my belly to a cage match...this is especially true after I've eaten. It's weird to look down at my belly and see it jump as the babies move. It is also weird to be sitting in a meeting and get a particularly violent jab that makes me wince and then have to play it off. But, it's nice to know they are still there and doing well, so I will keep taking the punches and jabs as they come.
What I'm Looking Forward To Next Week: Playing elf to Nick's Santa as we start the stockings. Sitting in the nursery for no reason other than it is fun. Organizing baby clothes. Oh, yeah - and maternity pictures! I did a lot of research online to see when you should do maternity photos with twins and now is the time (mostly because most moms of twins measure 4-6 weeks along ahead of where they actually are)...I'm glad I am doing them now because I have a feeling in a few weeks the cumulative lack of sleep and general discomfort is going to make me unlikely to sit still for photos. :)
Best Moment of the Week: Again, several! It was so great to watch my Dad and Nick paint the nursery. It was equally great (and also sort of scary) to see the cribs get delivered. And even though we've had a lot of ultrasounds, we never get tired of seeing the little ones on that big flat screen at the doctor's office. I'm having scanner issues today so no pics for you of Baby A (Baby B is still facing inward) but maybe next week.
Special Thanks To: Many special people to thank! On Monday, I arrived home to two packages on the front porch...who doesn't love coming home to presents? Many thanks to my Aunt Nicole (soon to be great aunt!) and cousin Kim for their generous gifts! Nick and I are constantly amazed by how many amazing people we have in our lives...there is not a week that goes by that we aren't reminded of how lucky we are to have all of you on our side. Also, big thanks to my co-worker and dear friend Lezlie for bringing me more free baby stuff. The only thing as good as presents is...free baby stuff! :)
What I Want The Babies To Know This Week: Your dad and I talk about what kind of parents we want to be...a lot. I guess the benefit of it taking awhile (snort) to get pregnant is that you have time to ponder these kinds of things. I don't think we'll be one to 'label' our parenting style, but we do know that we probably aren't going to get it right always so I am just asking in advance for your patience as we figure out what exactly the hell we are doing. :)
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