Seriously...time needs to slow the you know what down. My maternity leave is half is that possible? On the one hand, I am looking forward to getting back to work and on the other hand, OMG I CAN'T LEAVE MY BABIEZZZZ. As a wise friend told me yesterday, those two things can exist simultaneously. With that in mind, I am determined to enjoy these next six weeks as much as I can...which coincides with the twins starting to become much more entertaining so that's a fortunate development. :)
We've had a steady stream of visitors and help, but I'm starting to spend more and more time with the twins on my own. Surprisingly, it's easier than I expected. Or maybe I don't know any better - I'm not sure. Maybe easy isn't the right word...just not the total chaos I anticipated. They are starting to sleep longer stretches - 3.5-5 hours at a time if we are lucky. Ellie has even gone as much as seven hours a few times. We are trying to keep them on the same feeding schedule, which HAHAHA. I imagine if you have identical twins that are the same size a schedule is much easier. But boy/girl twins of different sizes...not so much. Interestingly, they get 'off schedule' nearly every day but then always end up coming back together.
Nick takes care of them from about 6pm-midnight...I usually go 'to bed' (I use this term loosely) around 7 or 7:30 so that I fall asleep by 8:30 or 9:00 and get a few hours of sleep. We are still set up in the family room with a pack and play, two swings and all manner of infant paraphernalia. It looks like we are running our own daycare here. I snooze on the couch and wake up intermittently to feed, change and otherwise soothe babies. I am not sure why but they seem to sleep so much better during the day than they do at night...anybody have any strategies for switching this around? We may try transitioning them to their nursery in a few weeks, but I still feel much more comfortable with them in the same room as us. Ellie will sleep pretty much anywhere, while Jack is happiest 1) on you or 2) on the couch next to you (yes, we know that this is not recommended but we are intelligent enough people to know how to not let our babies roll off the couch or be smothered) and 3) in his swing.
Ellie continues to be a very loud little girl...the grunting that comes out of her sounds like an old man, whereas Jack makes a lot of high-pitched squealing/whining noises. So it's like listening to a goat and a dolphin have a conversation. Ellie is a dream baby - rarely cries, sleeps easily and is just generally content. Jack has higher highs and lower lows. He started smiling at us last week and we have repeatedly tried to catch it on camera to little avail. We also discovered that he LOVES music yesterday. Thank goodness for the Pandora Children's Lullaby station. However, when he is upset the whole world knows about it. Even the cats leave the room when he really gets going like "Dude, I'm out." But even Jack's fussy periods aren't that bad and are relatively short-lived. Poor Nick, though - their fussy periods tend to coincide with his arrival at home, although to his credit, he kisses all of us and then jumps in to help. The only real problem is when they are both crying and want to be held and I'm on my own. I've developed a method where I sit cross-legged with one baby in my lap and the other over my shoulder. Not particularly pretty (or comfortable!) but effective.
And now a few (okay, a lot) of pictures!
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I am jealous your kids will take a pacifier and appear to be calm enough during tummy time to not freak out! You were the second blog that has mentioned the Pandora Lullaby station so I tried it out today, it is great!