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I can't believe this first month has flown by already! My little teeny tiny preterm babies that had a hard time gaining weight in the hospital are now busting out of their newborn outfits. I'm still working on a post about their birth story, but I thought I should capture some thoughts from these little ones' first month.
I first have to say, that we have been very, very lucky to have really good babies who, for the most part, only cry when they need something. In fact, the first two weeks of their lives, we were shocked at how little they cried. My parents, in particular, marveled at their ability to sleep for long stretches...apparently, I was not quite as kind to them as a baby. After the first two weeks, they 'woke up' a bit more and now there is more crying, but still - totally manageable. Although the main reason, they've been so manageable is that we have had near constant help since they came home from the hospital. Nick was able to be off for almost two weeks...my parents spent a week with us (and will spend more time with us later this month) and Nick's mom is in the midst of a two-week stay.
Jack: Jack is a little crankier than his sister and would much prefer you to hold him and or carry him around at all times, but he makes up for it with some pretty hilarious faces and lots of big, gassy smiles. He was a little over 5 lbs coming home from the hospital and I think he is near 9 lbs now, so he has certainly made up for lost time and is a voracious eater. He needs to sleep with his arms swaddled for the most part, otherwise he constantly startles himself awake. Were I to guess, I think he will be the first baby to make eye contact and 'really' smile...he just seems more engaged with us.
Ellie: Ellie is part goat...she grunts, cackles and otherwise emits a variety of noises. Sometimes her brother gets involved and that turns our family room into more of a barnyard. I had no idea babies were so loud. The first few nights they were home, I kept going to them at night thinking something was wrong, only to see two perfectly asleep babies. Now we know what kinds of noises actually require attention. She doesn't like having her arms swaddled and would prefer to sleep as stretched out as possible. I find their sleeping preferences interesting as they are very similar to how they were positioned in the womb - Ellie in the 'penthouse' in the upper part of my uterus and Jack curled up in the lower part. Ellie is a very....slow.....eater. That said, she was weighing just under 8 lbs at a doctor's appointment last week. I think I am going to have to switch out their newborn clothes for 0-3 months sizes this week, which makes me very sad.
Nick: Nick is an amazing father and has taken to fatherhood as if he was meant to do it. I honestly think he took to fatherhood quicker than I took to motherhood (although, to be fair, 40+ hours in the hospital and delivering twins is sort of exhausting). He dotes on both babies and despite earlier protests that he would not raise Ellie to be a 'little princess', I am pretty sure we have a Daddy's girl in the making. He does Daddy duty each evening from 8pm on so that I can get some uninterrupted sleep for a few hours. He is certainly a much better swaddler than I am...even though I know it's comforting to them, I hate wrapping them up so tight. It seems so uncomfortable!
Me: I am doing really well...the first week home was rough physically, mostly because of the insane amount of water I retained in my legs and feet. Seriously - it was awful - and not a pretty sight. I couldn't even walk up the stairs normally, I had to take them one at a time. I only lost 10 lbs from the time I gave birth to when I came home...and then in the next 10 days, I lost another 25 lbs...most or all of which I assume was the water weight. It is such a relief to be back to a normal size! And to be able to wear shoes. And non-maternity jeans. As much as I loved being pregnant, it is a relief to have my body back. I know it will take a while to get back to truly 'normal', but it's such a huge improvement, I'm practically giddy.
Now before you think it's all sunshine and roses over here, it is hard. Trying to feed, bathe, swaddle and get two newborns to sleep can be exhausting. And we've had help the whole time, so I haven't even experienced staying home with two babies solo yet (other than few hours here or there, although without fail every time I'm left alone, both babies decide to start crying simultaneously). Plus, I've lost the ability to talk about anything but poop. Who is pooping? When did they poop? How much did they poop? Poop, poop, poop. I'm told eventually I'll regain to have a non-fecal conversation. And not leaving the house much has us all feeling a bit of cabin fever - all of the sudden going to Target is VERY EXCITING. We take turns leaving the house since we aren't taking the babies out...our doctor advised us that with preterm babies and a terrible cold/flu/RSV season, we should keep them away from crowds for as long as possible.
But, by and large, we are enjoying every second of this time. Many thanks to all of you for your well wishes, visits (visits are welcome! I promise to try not to talk about poop!), and prayers. I feel like Ellie and Jack have a whole cadre of 'aunts' and 'uncles' out in the world.
And now, in no particular order (because I am too lazy to put them in order), some images from these sweet babies first month!
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Congrats on one month! It just keeps getting better from here!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great post! Sounds like you and Nick have it all under control...I never had any doubts. I enjoyed all the pics (keep 'em coming!) and was glad to finally see the final stocking projects. Nice work, Nick. Lotsa luv to those babes and to you, Mama-Girl! xo!
ReplyDeleteThank you!!! From your lips to God's ears. :)
ReplyDeleteUm, 'under control' is not exactly how I'd depict it...:) More like controlled chaos. Or chaos chaos. Thank you, though!
ReplyDeleteSide note - are you blogging now? And are there adorable pics of the boys I'm missing out on? Inquiring minds (often up at 3am looking for reading material) want to know.