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I've got a business proposition for you. Only it's less of a business proposition and more of a public service. I think that there should be a place that all pregnant women go in their third trimester where:
- There are beds that are actually comfortable to sleep in
- Massages on demand
- Pools with little floaties and drinks with umbrellas (non-alcoholic, of course...this isn't France)
- People trained to tell you how beautiful and goddess-like you like are at all times of the day
- Somebody to dress you and fix your hair and makeup
- Someone to pat your head and tell you it's all going to be okay
- A strict policy against ignoring any pregnancy-induced flatulence, as if it hasn't happened at all
- Spray tans (because everyone looks better with a spray tan)
- And staff trained to turn their head if you say, fall asleep at the dining table
- Speaking of dining, personal chefs that will cater to your every whim
- And no one will judge you if you cry at Christmas music (It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas got me twice today)
Basically like a spa - but better. And you stay there for two - three months - thus not subjecting your family and friends to the horror that is being pregnant and uncomfortable and cranky. As suspected, whatever 'pass' I got during the first trimester and second trimester in terms of pregnancy symptoms, I am making up for now. Name a symptom - I probably have it. In fact, 33 weeks marked two of the worst days I've had as an incubator - the day before Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving itself.
Between our own nervousness and the doctor's insistence that driving across Missouri was not the greatest idea, Nick and I decided he would go to St. Louis for a few days and I would be "Sarah-sat" by my parents at their house here. Nick should probably consider himself lucky that he missed the two worst days thus far....and also probably thank my parents. Although, to their credit, they insist that I was perfectly pleasant, but I am pretty sure they are required by parental law to say such things.
It helps that the weather is now cooler - it seems I feel a lot worse the warmer the weather is. And there is a two-three hour window in the morning where I feel darn right cheerful. That said, I CANNOT IMAGINE GETTING ANY BIGGER. How can my skin stretch any further? It's already as tight as can be. Won't I topple over if my belly gets bigger? Moving is becoming burdensome...will it get worse? These are the questions that plague me.
That said, I am delighted to have made it this far and still be, you know, upright and with babies still on the inside. So I probably shouldn't complain. But I will.
Doctor's Appointment Update: Another bio-physical profile this week - and again, everything looks great with the twins. In fact (prepare yourself for mommy bragging), the sonographer told me that the twins completed their 'tests' faster than any of the singleton babies she had performed BPPs on that day. Because they are geniuses. Obviously.
Also, I ran into one of my many, many pregnant friends at the doctor (we are both at the same practice)...although she is a subset of pregnant friends who ALSO used the same reproductive endocrinologist, so she is extra special. Our due dates are pretty close so maybe we'll get lucky and be at the hospital together. Because, of course, labor and delivery is the perfect place to catch up on gossip.
Size of Babies: Pineapple
Cravings: Nothing to note in particular other than that my consumption of peanut butter while pregnant is easily four times its normal rate. Peanut butter is the perfect food. Easy to consume. Full of protein. Delicious. I should probably have one of the twins' middle name be JIF.
Sleep: Just more of the same...which is to say...less sleep. I think the Ambien helps but honestly it's hard to tell. I've decided that a lack of sleep during pregnancy is just nature's way of preparing you for not sleeping for the next 18 years. I feel pretty confident in my ability to survive without sleep, so THANK YOU, NATURE.
Nursery Update: I have barely even been in the nursery this week, so clearly nothing has changed. I think the cats may actually spend more time in there than I do. Which, by the by, Ernie gives two paws up to the rocking chair. If I sit down, he jumps up on my shoulder (a la a baby) and waits for me to start rocking. Which I do. Because I am a crazy cat lady.
Symptoms: Oh, nothing other than being 33 weeks pregnant with twins. Which is basically like being 39 weeks pregnant every day. It's like Groundhog's Day, only with less Bill Murray and more crying. My goal, though, is to keep working up til the bitter end, so as long as I can still move (and the doctor is cool with it), I'm going to keep dragging my crew to work every day.
Fetal Movement: Less kicking, but definitely more powerful jabs and pokes. I feel like I might be carrying boxers.
What I'm Looking Forward To Next Week: Another doctor's appointment...my mom's birthday...accomplishing more random tasks that MUST GET DONE BEFORE THE BABIEEZZZZZ COME so says my crazy pregnant mind.
Best Moment of the Week: Several! We celebrated Thanksgiving with my family last Sunday...I swear that was the best Thanksgiving meal I've ever tasted...which is probably a combination of my mom's great cooking and just being a hungry pregnant lady most of the time. Also, Nick's return home to KC. Though I was glad he spent time with his family, I missed him a ton and was so glad to see him yesterday. We had a date night-dinner and a movie. Except no dinner, because I got sick after the movie, but still - good times. Actually, seeing movies is one of the few past-times I am really good at...this week I saw Breaking Dawn II (don't judge), Lincoln (with my parents), and Silver Linings Playbook. The latter two were both amazing...the sparkly vampires were...sparkly.
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Special Thanks To: My parents, for Sarah-sitting. It occurred to me that this probably the last time I will ever spend that much time in a row with my parents, so I'm sort of glad I got the chance to. And they were pretty patient with my general grumbling and groaning (my mom had to check a couple of times when I was groaning inadvertently to make sure I was okay). I had a great time, felt very taken care of, and took on an apprentice sous chef, my dad. Let me tell you, cooking is WAY BETTER with a sous chef.
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What I Want The Babies To Know This Week: Even though I complain a lot, I would put up with every ounce of discomfort and pain times a thousand because you are worth it. Also, your father is a stocking making MACHINE. One down, and about another half a stocking to go. Stocking making might be his equivalent of nesting as he is bound and determined that the stockings WILL BE DONE by the time you arrive. And we will take pictures of you inside the stockings. Because, duh.