More than one person has commented to me this week that all of the sudden, I seem very pregnant. I take this to mean a couple of things - 1) the belly is definitely getting bigger (duh!) and 2) my general tiredness/crankiness/backachiness is lending more of a pregnant feel to my demeanor. I have to admit...I feel more pregnant. It's harder to pick things up; I toss and turn all night: my back hurts constantly; there is no comfortable way to sit, stand or sleep; I have to kind of roll myself out of bed, etc, etc, etc. Although all of these new developments are annoying, I still feel pretty darn happy about the whole thing.
How Far Along: 19.5 weeks
Size of Babies: Small cantaloupes. I freaked out a little when I saw cantaloupe because hello, cantaloupes are much bigger than last week's mangoes. So, thank you, editors of What To Expect When You're Expecting, for specifying small cantaloupes.
What I'm Doing: Obsessive nursery Pinterest-ing... :) (Note to kids 20 years from now if you are reading this - Pinterest was a timesuck of a website where your mom wasted hours and hours learning how to make home-made soap and looking at pictures of crafts she probably shouldn't even attempt to make)
Cravings: It's not really a craving, but Nick is getting really tired of me eating all of his energy/protein bars. In fact, I just finished a texting exchange with him about this very topic. Luckily, 'but the babies were hungry' is an effective excuse.
Sleep: Not great, not feels like I have to sleep longer in order to feel rested, which I attribute to the many times I'm waking up during the night.
Sex of Babies: Hooray! We finally know! We are so excited it's a boy and a fact, I'm going to have to dedicate an entire post to it.
Symptoms: Other than being more uncomfortable, one of the babies is on my bladder which is SUPER fun.
Fetal Movement: I am feeling them pretty consistently but Nick is still DYING to feel them move. Hopefully in a few weeks!
What I'm Looking Forward To Next Week: We have our big 20 week ultrasound, so I'm hoping maybe we will finally see Bad Baby B?! We also have our first official high risk clinic visit; between both appointments, the scheduler told me to expect to be there for 3-4 hours. Yay. What I Am NOT Looking Forward To - I have an early glucose screening on Saturday. I guess having polycystic ovarian syndrome and multiples puts me at higher risk for gestational diabetes. Cross your fingers all goes well.
Best Moment of the Week: Obviously the gender reveal party. :)
Special Thanks To: My it has been keeping me company when I wake up in the middle of the night and can't sleep. I am going to be a very well-read pregnant lady. (P.S. If you haven't read any of Gillian Flynn's books, you should. They are super creepy and amazing.)
What I Want The Babies To Know This Week: Everyone says that parenthood teaches you so much. What's amazing is that YOU AREN'T EVEN HERE YET and are already teaching us. Case in you know (because your father and I will remind you on a near daily basis), it took four rounds of IVF to get pregnant with you. The first three rounds, I felt like we HAD to succeed or I didn't know how we would go on. I mean, obviously we did each time, but I was always gripped with a sense of 'thishastoworkthishastoworkthishastowork'. That last cycle - it did not go well. At all. By all reasonable expectations, it shouldn't have worked. However, once we learned that the cycle might be a bust, I realized...we were going to be fine. We were going to have a family, one way or another and I needed to stop worrying about it and just let it happen. Maybe it was just coincidence (but that doesn't make for a very interesting story) but when I finally gave up trying to plan things, that's when we got you. When I am freaking out and over-planning some day, please feel free to remind me of this story. :) XOXO, Mom
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