How Far Along: 17 weeks and change
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Size of Babies: Sweet Potatoes! I love sweet potatoes. If I was really clever, I would have created a recipe each week around whatever fruit/vegetable reference the babies were. I am apparently not that clever. Or ambitious.
What I’m Doing: Making a list of All That Needs To Be Accomplished. I've given myself a deadline of having everything ready for the babies and everything ready at work for my leave by the end of October, which basically puts me at 30 weeks. My assumption is that after that point - everything is sort of up in the air and regardless, I will probably be too uncomfortable and tired to do much. Also, I am better at List Making than List Accomplishing, so it's good that I gave myself a deadline.
Cravings: Sweet Potatoes! Not really, but that would be an excellent tie-in. I think I am doing pretty well on the protein front, but I am also having a hard time remembering if I've eaten sometimes. I think it's because I'm eating nearly all of the time so it's hard to know where snack ends and meal begins. P.S. Happy Hour is so much cheaper when you can't drink!
Sleep: I have developed a complex system of pillows to help, however even my fortress of fluffy pillows cannot defeat Nick the Starfish Sleeper and cats that are physically incapable of sleeping without being attached to my head or feet.
Sex of Babies: I think we all know the answer to Sigh...Just a week or so to go.
Symptoms: I had another migraine, which was horrendous on a level I can't even describe, but the daily headaches seem to be waning so I'll take that. Crying continues to be a problem. And let me tell you, the Olympics aren't helping with all of their sob stories and triumph over adversity and sob, sob, sob.
Fetal Movement: Yes, lots. They rarely move at the same time, though. Baby A seems to be more active. And photogenic. So basically Baby B is a reclusive introvert who enjoys lying around and not interacting with others...a babe after my own heart.
What I’m Looking Forward To Next Week: NOT OPENING THE GENDER REVEAL ENVELOPE BEFORE THE PARTY! I figure if I say that to myself enough times maybe I can actually prevent myself from doing it. We also have another ultrasound scheduled, so I'm looking forward to (hopefully) getting pictures of Bad Baby B. Also, I saw in the forecast a day where the temperature started with an '8', not a '9' or '10'...glorious!
Best Moment of the Week: I am going to preemptively say that it will be my 'date' this afternoon with my dad to see Batman. Although a co-worker played a pretty hilarious prank on me this week that ranks up there, as well. It would take so long to explain it though that you'll just have to trust me - it was hilarious and much needed comic relief.
Special Thanks To: One of the exciting things that has happened this week is that I've had several baby showers scheduled for late September/early October. Nick and I are extraordinarily fortunate to have such an amazing group of family and friends that want to share this time with us; I am pretty sure there were never two babies so loved by such a large group of people before they even made their arrival into the world. We are so grateful for their support...and party-hosting abilities. :)
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