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Doctor's Appointment Update: I can't remember if I've written about why we have had so many doctor appointments and ultrasounds during the second trimester. We had an 18 week appointment this week. The additional appointments are a result of a couple of factors - 1) women who get pregnant through IVF and women who carry multiples are at higher risk for a premature shortening of the cervix (technically called cervical incompetence but I refuse to define my cervix as incompetent!)...there is an easy fix if this develops - cervical cerclage. However, it is something that has to be monitored fairly regularly. So far, everything looks good on this front 2) I have experienced fairly significant bleeding off and on. The doctors believe this is because Baby A's placenta is covering the cervix - otherwise known as placenta previa. Most cases of placenta previa resolve themselves (as the babies grow and move around, the placenta is shifted), however it is something the doctors are keeping a close watch on. Other than those two issues, the babies are looking great. Baby B is still Bad Baby B that won't pose for pictures and Baby A is still a ham.
How Far Along: 18 1/2 weeks, I think? I am starting to get a little confused. Time is going by so quickly!
Size of Babies: MANGOES! This is a fruit comparison I can get behind. I haven't really missed drinking alcohol at all, although for whatever reason, I have thought about mango margaritas more than once. This needs to be my first post-baby drink, I've decided.
What I'm Doing: Procrastinating doing productive things around the house. I am fairly organized for our big gender reveal party this weekend, but I always seem to invent more and more things to get done. (Ask Nick - it is one of his FAVORITE qualities about me!)
Cravings: Not a one! Honestly, I'm not really even that hungry - I don't know if that's weird or not. Don't worry - I'm getting my protein still...I'm just not overly interested in food. I'm guessing this is more related to my intense excitement for finding out the gender on Saturday than actually having lost interest in food. :) Five bucks says once we find out, I stuff myself silly.
Sleep: I am seriously considering one of those half-moon pregnancy pillow thingies - not necessarily because I think I need one but because it will provide a barrier between me and my bed-mates (Starfish and his trusty feline sidekicks). I feel like I must look a little bit like a rotisserie chicken because I am constantly trying to rotate into a more comfortable position. My back has been bothering me, but in truth - I think this has more to do with my exercise routine than pregnant or sleep. I've started incorporating prenatal pilates and I'm pretty sure I must be doing one of the moves wrong because there is a place on my back that hurts at night every time I do the workout. Oh, well.
Sex of Babies: So close to finding out! Many of you have commented on how impressed you are that we haven't cheated. Don't be. Let me admit something to you. It is due mostly to the fact that I HID THE ENVELOPE SO WELL I CAN'T FIND IT. Seriously, pregnancy brain is for realz. When I realized I couldn't remember where it was, I tore the house apart. I finally found it today in a completely unobtrusive, not at all hidden well, drawer. Well done, self, well done.
Symptoms: The headaches seem to be lessening. The crying continues - but not at things that you would thing make me cry - like seeing the babies on the ultrasound. No, it's mostly weird and/or inconsequential stuff. I am also hyper-focused on roadkill. That's right, roadkill makes me cry. And I'm not talking about the occasional sad cat or dog you might see (because that would make me cry no matter what), I'm talking - possums, raccoons, squirrels, etc. As you can imagine, the commute to work is an utter landmine. I have to try and convince myself that everything I see on the side of the road is just trash.
Fetal Movement: Definitely and lots of it! I like to imagine Baby A kicking Baby B so that Baby B would be facing forward and we could actually see him/her.
What I'm Looking Forward To Next Week: Well, duh. I've only been talking about it for weeks and weeks and weeks. Sometimes I get irritated by my own excitement level, but I can't help it. I am ridiculously excited for Saturday's gender reveal! So is Nick. I don't really have any predictions; I've never really had any guesses. We will be happy with whatever it is, but we do already have one girl name and one boy name, so on a practical level - that would make things easy on us. :)
Best Moment of the Week: I have to say, I think it was a couple of co-workers making the SUPREME SACRIFICE of helping coordinate the gender reveal. I am fairly certain they have offered their assistance simply because they want to find out the genders first. :) But, I am super grateful for their help and so lucky to have them in my life. Just don't screw it up, ladies. NO PRESSURE!
Special Thanks To: Sarah Maxey Photo!
You'll be hearing more about Sarah in the coming months, but she has VERY generously offered to take photos at the gender reveal on Saturday. I could not be more excited. Sarah is an incredibly gifted photographer and a pretty cool gal, to boot. Thank you so much, Sarah!
(and a new addition to the weekly updates...as the pregnancy progresses, it seems a little more 'real' and hence, I want to start keeping notes on the super gushy touchy feely stuff. Please avert your eyes if emotionzzzz trouble you. :))
What I Want The Babies To Know This Week:
There's a lot of things I want you to know, but I think what has been on my mind most this week is how incredibly lucky you are to have your dad. Basically, you are the luckiest babies in the history of the world. No, really. I cannot even describe how attentive he is and how much he worries about my health and your health and every time I have a doctor's appointment, if he can't be there, I am required to send him texts every five minutes updating him on what's going on. He talks to you, tries to feel you move in my belly when I tell him you all are bouncing around. He asks me when we should start reading to you and playing music for you. He randomly leans over and rubs my belly and tells me how much he loves me and how much he loves you. I always knew he would be a great dad, but I didn't realize he would become a dad before you all even arrived! He worries about how various chemicals will affect you and is constantly chastising me for picking up 'heavy' things (like, one sack of groceries). In sum...lucky, lucky little ones. And lucky me.
And before things get too serious...a moderately funny out-take from this week's pregnancy photo shoot. In this photo, I am either:
a) Rolling my eyes at Nick
b) Watching Ernie the cat make a death-defying leap off of our kitchen cabinets.
c) Trying to look angelic
d) All of the above
I will let you decide.
sounds like things are going well! I really enjoy reading your blogs and can't wait to hear the gender/s report!!!! Rene