How Far Along: 21 weeks and change
Size of Babies: Spaghetti Squash
What I'm Doing: Recovering from shopping for maternity jeans; it's a traumatic experience.
Cravings: Yay! I have one to report! Popsicles. I've reverted to my seven year old self. Were you to walk around my house, you would likely find popsicle sticks strewn about.
Sleep: I have been hemming and hawing about buying one these pregnancy pillows (because frankly, it seems ridiculous to spend $50 on a pillow you will only use for a few months), but my will is lessening. I am currently using 5-6 pillows at night and still tossing and turning constantly. The cats consistently get kicked off the bed to make room for more pillows. Last night was the final straw, both cats migrated to snuggle with Nick instead of ME! THE PERSON THAT FEEDS THEM! This will not stand.
Sex of Babies: Boy and girl - presumably, still. Knowing me, you would think I would have gone out and bought a ton of adorable clothes or books or toys or something. But, honestly - the only things I've bought have been some consignment stuff from friends - all girl stuff. And I picked up a few things at Children's Place $3.99 sale. I have to admit to you, our poor boy's wardrobe right now is sadly lacking. He has one onesie, one polo and um....four pairs of swim trunks. What? Baby swim trunks are ADORABLE. So, basically he'll be living in swim trunks.
Nursery Update: Final color scheme has been selected - navy blue, hot pink, chartreuse and gray. I purchased the fabric for some curtains and the crib bedding and can't wait for it to come in. Nick and I are working on our first DIY project for the nursery this weekend...a window seat. And, I think I'll be ordering the cribs soon. So, we're off to a good start.
Symptoms: Geez, I'm a broken record. Yes, my back still hurts. I did go to the chiropractor and while initially I thought the pain was worse, it does seem to be better this week. It's considerably better when I stay consistent with working out and I guess that's good motivation (although ask me that when my alarm goes off at 5am and I have to climb down from the Fortress of Fluff). The constant back pain means that I am also constantly making 'woe is me' noises which Nick gleefully imitates at every opportunity. It sounds remarkably similar to his impersonation of his younger brother, Danny, crying as a child. :) Other than that, I still feel mostly good. The belly is getting to be a little difficult to navigate around (toes! I can still see you!) and any time I drop something, I have to sigh deeply before trying to pick it up.
Fetal Movement: I've had a couple of instances where they've both been moving around vigorously at the same time and that feels SUPER weird. But also awesome. I told Nick that the ultrasound tech 'thumps' my stomach to get them moving, which I now deeply regret doing as I've been getting belly thumps religiously in his attempts to feel the babies move.
What I'm Looking Forward To Next Week: Long weekend! And our FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY! We will be celebrating it in style, home. :) We talked about taking a trip but didn't have the energy to plan it and then we talked about going out to a nice dinner, but we already did that for Nick's birthday earlier this week and he's still trying to eat healthy, so a nice dinner at home it is. I will be making a strawberry pie. We've got plans to work on some nursery stuff, and it's also the celebration for my grandma's 105th's birthday! (yes, you read that right - 1 0 5 !!!!)
Best Moment of the Week: If I were going to sum up this week, it would be 'accomplished'. I got several things checked off my to-do list including sign up for childbirth classes (check!), sign up for breastfeeding classes (check!check!), and schedule maternity photos (check!check!check!). And as I said I already ordered the nursery fabric and have someone lined up to make curtains and crib bedding, so I'm feeling very smug. That means I'll probably do nothing for a few days now. What? I need my rest. :)
Special Thanks To: all of my friends that are or are getting pregnant. It's pretty awesome to have a built-in play group. EXTRA special thanks to my daily pregnancy email update friends who are so amazing. It's nice to be able to obsess over all things pregnancy and baby with you.
What I Want The Babies To Know This Week: Most people hate election season, but I LOVE it. I revel in it. I want to take a bath in election season. You get what I'm saying, right? And while it will PAIN ME DEEPLY, if you don't grow up a Democrat like your mom (or at least a Libertarian like your dad), I will try not to take it personally or see it as a personal failing on my part as a mother. Kidding, kidding. Kinda. You can be whatever you want to be...I guess. (But, it would make me really, really happy if you were a Democrat).