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I can't believe we've made it already to nearly 35 weeks! I remember worrying about going into labor really early and while it's still possible that could happen anytime, it's pretty amazing that I've gone this long with really no signs of pre-term labor. I re-read last week's update and sort of cringe...geez, how whiny can I be. I'm not the only person in the history of the world to give birth. Just the only person in the history of Nick and I's little world. The biggest thing I notice at this stage is that people look a little horrified that I am up and walking around...like I might go into labor at any point. Hence, the comments about 'popping' or 'you must be really close!'. Actually, no - hopefully. I've got several weeks to go, with any luck, but thank you for reminding me.
Last week, I went into the sandwich shop down the block from work; the guys that work the counter are my buddies and have followed my pregnancy with great interest - one guy in particular and I normally trade compliments about our hair (he yearns for my curls and I want his stick straight hair), but I hadn't been in for a while so this is how our conversation went.
Me: Hey! How was your Thanksgiving?
Guy: Girl!!!! You are BIG.
Me: Ha, yeah I know. Still a while to go yet.
Guy: No, I mean you are really big, girl. Should you be walking?
Me: Haven't heard differently from my doctor.
Guy: (shakes his head in amazement and takes my order)
Guy: I mean, don't get me wrong, from the neck up, you're still a solid 9, but wow. How are you even standing up?
Me: (Gritting teeth) Thanks, I think.
Guy: Your hair still looks great, too...tell me what you use on it again?
(Long conversation about hair products ensues)
Doctor's Appointment Update: Babies are doing great...they completed all their 'tricks' in the allotted time, although not as quickly as last week. That is what I get for mommy-bragging.
As for me, I am not so lucky. I now have both gestational diabetes and gestational hypertension, the latter of which we are hoping is not a sign of pre-eclampsia but we're still waiting on some test results. Both of these are, apparently, super common in multiples pregnancies and the doctors actually seemed a little surprised I made it as long as I did without these issues popping up. I'm guessing that's part of why I've felt so much worse the last few weeks, although honestly, I haven't felt super great since maybe the beginning of October. Anyways, they are monitoring me closely and I have another appointment on Tuesday, so hopefully all goes well. Other than that, things are as they should be - no placenta issues, total weight gain is good (around 28 lbs), very few contractions, etc.
Size of Babies: Butternut Squash
Cravings: Whatever is easily consumable and in front of me.
Sleep: No change. Yesterday, though, Nick gave me a really great massage and I had the best two-hour nap of my life. Or at least it felt that way at the time.
Nursery Update: I promise I will post pictures soon! But Nick just told me I can't reveal the names (even though some of you know them already), so that means I have to go back and edit the names out of the pictures.
Symptoms: The swelling - oh, the swelling. You can't actually tell because I have really small hands, but my fingers are quite swollen and feel stiff and uncomfortable. I find writing and typing to be more and more difficult, making work sort of interesting. There is not a pair of shoes that exist that could possibly contain my feet when they swell. Pretty much all activity is difficult, but because I still have the damn nesting instinct, I am constantly pushing myself and then regretting it. (Ex: starting to put up Christmas decorations while Nick was still at work the other day. BIG mistake.) But all of this is apparently quite common, so I just keep going in spurts and then taking a break when I need to. I will tell you this - I have the utmost appreciation for my health and my ability to move...or rather, my ability to move once I deliver. Everything is more difficult right now.
Fetal Movement: The change this week is that it physically hurts when the babies change positions, I assume because there is not much room in there. Still lots of jabs and kicks...
What I'm Looking Forward To Next Week: Pretty much just making it another week. I've got another busy week ahead of me at work, although I need to do so while keeping my blood pressure in check, so that should be interesting.
Best Moment of the Week: I debated about whether or not to put this in here, but since it is literally on EVERY news channel and news outlet, I think it's safe to say the Best Moment of the Week and maybe the Second Best Moment of the Year (#1 was finding out we were pregnant) was learning that my dear cousins won the Powerball! It is the most amazing news ever and I am 100% sure that my Grandma Ruth had something to do with it. The best part is that I can't imagine a more deserving family. I am truly thrilled for them. And I know they will have some fun with it, but I also know that, as they said in their press conference, they have great plans for giving it to causes near and dear to their heart, like a scholarship fund in my Uncle's name at the local high school and supporting adoption in honor of the little girl they adopted from China (who, incidentally, requested a pony for Christmas - that's my kind of girl!). They must be totally overwhelmed, but as anyone who saw them in the press conference could say - they are down-to-earth, good people who won't let this kind of money change them. This is absolutely no surprise to anyone who knows them, but the press seems a little befuddled. My favorite coverage thus far was on Al Sharpton's Politics Nation - he compared and contrasted my cousins' plans with their lottery winnings (education, charitable giving) with Hostess's choice to secure golden parachutes for their executives while 18,000 workers are without jobs. Al may or may not be your cup of tea, but his point is well taken....as Cindy said in the press conference, how much DOES a person NEED? Anyway, our prayers are with our family while they navigate this crazy new world and we wish nothing but the best for them.
Special Thanks To: All of You! Seriously, week after week, you keep reading this silly little blog for the twins and while I can't imagine why it is at all interesting, you keep coming back! Not only that, but there is not a week that goes by that I don't get messages/emails/phone calls of encouragement based on what I've written; I have appreciated all of it. Everyone has been so generous of their time and advice and wonderful things for the twins and overall support and I could just go on and on and on. When Nick and I learned that we would have to do IVF to get pregnant, we were devastated. And when it didn't work, time after time, our hearts broke. But all along the way, our family and friends have supported us and when it finally worked, you've cheered us all the way to (nearly) the finish line. I don't think you'll ever understand what this has meant to us, but in honor of your support, we've decided to name the babies after all of you. Just kidding. :) But we would if we could! Unless you have a name we don't like. Then, we wouldn't. :)
What I Want The Babies To Know This Week: You are probably the luckiest babies in the history of EVER. I mean, your dad finished amazing stockings for you this week. You are about to be born to awesome parents (if I do say so myself), you are being born into TRULY amazing families and will be surrounded with wonderful friends and as luck has it, quite a few friends of your own age (thanks to a recent pregnancy explosion that has occurred with so many people in our lives). Even the cats in our lives have been doing their part - testing out all relevent baby items for quality and safety. And although we are not quite ready for you yet, (you need to bake a little longer), we are so excited to meet you! It may not be the Powerball, but you are definitely our jackpot, little ones. XOXO, Mom
Almost 35 weeks!!! Wow! You're doing great and you look fantastic.
ReplyDeleteI almost drove to your house to rip your phone from your hands in a Facebook intervention until I realized my Facebook was glitchy and posting your profile pic with a high school classmates status updates. But be warned if you ever start posting status updates where you use "ur" "2nite" "becuz" and other gems and very unclassy memes, I will take action.
Also, thank you for assuring me the powerball winners are nice people and going to be ok. I worry about the powerball winners. When I saw them on the news I thought they seemed like logical, good people who would be smart about it and be ok. Glad I was right :) Now, I assume you loaned them your spreadsheet?
Massages are soooooo wonderful when your pregnant!!! I was fortunate enough to get a professional prenatal massage with both pregnancies and it made such a difference, I actually fell asleep on the table the first time and slept so well for the first time in awhile because I was able to sleep on my stomach since they have that little cutout for your belly. If you can I highly recommend getting one!! By the way, you look amazing, 28 lbs gained is awesome, I gained that with just one in the oven!!
ReplyDeleteThat sounds wonderful! Except that I think my feet might scare a massage therapist right now. :) :)
ReplyDeleteLOL - I fully give you permission to come smack me around if I ever do such a thing.