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Well, clearly - judging by the fact that you are now, in fact, ten weeks old, my little munchkins, you are keeping us busy! Month Two definitely marked the beginning of the 'fun' times...you are both getting more and more social and it's a joy to watch you grow and learn new things. I hope (hope being the operative word) to post more now that you're getting older and to also do a special monthly post to catalog all that you are up to!
Jack -
When you are happy, you are HAPPY. Cooing and looking around and big, fat gummy smiles abound. And when you are sad, you are VERY SAD. Dramatic pouty lips and all. Your mommy and daddy and grandparents could watch you for hours (and we all do) and you are kind of a big hit with the ladies when we take you out, as well...a future ladies' man in the making?
This month, you:
-started smiling (big smiles!)
-are getting better at holding your head up
-love playing with your kick and play piano
-really love it when mommy plays music (though you have a penchant for Journey...don't tell Daddy!)
-learned how to sleep somewhere other than your swing (thank goodness, I was beginning to worry we'd have to send that thing to college with you. I was also hearing the music it plays in my dreams)
-LOVE looking at the ceiling fan (why are we spending money on toys when this pretty much is the best thing ever to happen to you?)
-still like eating every three hours during the day, although you are starting to sleep longer stretches at night!
-sometimes have a hard time eating, because you are So. Excited. About. Being. Alive!
-weigh 11 lbs, 8 oz
Aliases: Jack Stack, Mr. Stack, Puddin' Face, Sir, Scruncher
Ellie -
You are still one pretty chill baby, but you need a lot of stimulation to be happy. I can tell your "I'm bored" cry, which means, hey, lady - move me some place else where I can see cooler stuff than your face. (Luckily, I'm not offended). You are getting prettier by the day and your Daddy thinks you are the most gorgeous little girl on the planet (and tells you so regularly).
This month, you:
-started smiling (although you are still a little less generous with your smiles...you make mommy and daddy earn it!)
-are making lots of noises...sometimes it sounds like you are crying, but you're just experimenting with your voice
-love tummy time but it often ends up in nap time
-figured out that a very loud cry/scream will get mommy or daddy's attention quickly!
-love playing with the kick and play piano even more than your brother...you can stay there for a very long time.
-can sleep longer stretches of time, usually 4-5 hours
-are enamored with your own reflection in the mirror
-weigh 11 lbs, 11 oz
Aliases: Pretty Lady, Puddin' Face, Little Bits, Ellie Rose, E.Ro, Smelly (sorry, but it's true), Scruncher
Favorite pictures from this month:
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